Big Block is running!
Started my 454 yesterday , it ran rough for a while till it warmed up .I just put a new 3310 Holley carb on it . Also new Accel 8.8 plug wire's on . What a difference it made the engine now run's awesome. I still have to put a electric choke on and want a metering block on the secondary side of the carb.The Holley has 70 jet's in front and the metering plate is equal to # 75 jets in the rear. It seem's just about right. I also might have to advance the timing a little bit.:3dSMILE:
Congrats!! It's a good feeling, isnt it? And a great sound too.! I hope to be doing the same thing in about a month with my 496. Good luck....and yes, your jetting should be really close with the numbers you mentioned. John
Can't wait for the warm weather it's been snowing for 2 day's now .What should my initial timing be. It's at 10 degree's now could I get away with more advance 12-14 initial maybe?
Yes, definitely....mine runs best at 14-16 degrees initial, and as much as 42 total...best to try not to go over 38 total till you see what the engine likes, every one is different...just watch for detonation...listen for pinging and check your plugs for little silvery flecks. Good luck! PS, snowed a lot here too lately....where is milton??
Thanks for the help, going to advance it a little this weekend. I'll let you know how it goes.