Have a starter that will not mesh. Checked the flxplate and it is showing some serious flat spots. I just got a new flexplate from GM and am getting ready to install it and could use some pointers.
Engine is a ZZ502/502, tranny is a 700r4, in a 94 Yukon 4WD. I will be doing this in my garage. This is my plan, please point out any obvious errors

Drop the front and read drive shafts
Support the tranny with a floor jack and some wood
unbolt the torque converter from the flewplate (I have to turn it a little to get to all the bolts)
Unbolt the bell housing from the engine (I think it's 4 bolts, at least that's all I can see)
unbolt the tranny from the crossmember supporting it
Slide the tranny back a few inches
Remove the flexplate
Install the new one, and put everything back where it belongs.

Does this sound like it will work? I really do not want to pull the engine (I do not have a hoist) and I don't want to pay $300.00 to have someone do it for me.

What are the major pitfalls I can encounter.

The engine is fairly new, only about 2000 miles on it, the tranny is 2 months old with only about 100 miles on it. The guy I bought it from shimmed the starter out wrong and messed up the fleplate, now it eats starters, and at $129.00 a pop for the autozone gear reduction starter, eating them ius not a good thing.

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

thanks, John