I must be just imagining my special helicoil installtion tool in my toolbox then.
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I must be just imagining my special helicoil installtion tool in my toolbox then.
It's not home made, it's a factory issue helicoil installation tool.6" long ,black and has a crank with a red handle on it.
I have had great luck with the ez lock thread inserts with the LOCKING PINS that you hammer down and can not rotate out but still can be drilled to remove if necessary great product Mc Master and many others have them Ed ke6bnlQuote:
Originally posted by cbreezer
My expiriences are that even with properly installed helicoils, in continued use situations the lead thread sometimes unravels.Also with EZ locks there are no special installation tools or taps required.
Didn't mean to upset you.I hope you are OK.
I didnt mean to start an argument or hijack dowierj's thread lol.
If it was mine, I'd go down to the hardware store and get a 24" length of allthread of the same size and thread as the bolt that came out of there for about 3 bucks, hack off a piece the right length, dab some loctite on the threads, lightly torque it in place with double nuts, then use a flat washer and nut on the bellhousing side.
Denny, I'm just givin' a reader who lives in Podunk Junction and is bucks-down an option of installing a low-buck stud and gettin' on with it. You and I have all the equipment to do it properly, but that isn't the case with everyone. :)
were this block is crack this is a easy fix you can use a heli-coil but if you do that i would braze the cracks an then use a heli-coil .why would i do this ? to keep the heli-coil from moveing when you draw down the bolt this will keep it from cracking more .if you do a cold fix use a keylock or e-zlok this is solid thread repair a can not pull as much on the cracks. do not use a insert with locking keys when you drive the keys you put more stress on the cracks and make them bigger for this reapair i like the e-zlok or keylocking inserts for this reapair because it is soild insert and will not work on the crack i have use this reapair on heads an blocks and .heli-coils are good for strip thread only or soft aluminum . :whacked:
sorry i can not do that .but thanks any way:LOL: :confused:
Not fer nuttin, but I just heard through the grapevine that Denny W. works for helicoils,(undercover division).We should probably be more careful what we say about helicoils in the future.