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Thread: 396 build up

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  1. #1
    mad hooker is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Question 396 build up


    heys guys, im planing on getting a 396 for my el camino. probably around summer. my goals are for the engine are to pump out 450-500 horse power and as much torque i can get, how hard would it be to push a 396 to my power limits? and about how much would it cost? say if i start with a block and build up? also i want to run average to low comp, so i can run this engine on pump gas, for a street driven engine, what else would i have to run to get those numbers?

  2. #2
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    it is all ways better to use cid to get tq .it will take alot to get500 hp out of a 396 with pump gas but 420 hp would be more realist .and you would not cost so much but at this point it still would need some money spent in the rigth place. first would be a small roller cam and head work you need to find a set of heads that will give you the most cr because the pistons are not cheap for the 396 so a set of small dome 325 hp pistons and close chamber heads would help on this.I have bulit some 396-402 a good small big block and can be made to run but it would be easer to build a 496 cast crank and hiper pistons for about the same money and make more hp and tq on pump

  3. #3
    mad hooker is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    so your saying to go with a 496 crank and hyperetic pistons in the 396? will that get me 450 hp? that more realistic, and a good solid number.

  4. #4
    mad hooker is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    how where the 396 made? are they like a 350 that got bored? or how were they made? also, how come a 383 stoker can make very close to 500, i seen one on ryans combos, vut how hard would it be to get a 396 to throw out 450 hp? what if i used a forged kit? would that work?

  5. #5
    Hopper111 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    No he's not saying to use a 496 crank in a 396 block... He's saying to build the 496. Block and all. I'm not even sure u can put a 496 crankshaft in a 396 block...

    No a 396 is not a bored out 350. The 396 is a big block. Not a small block.

    A 383 stroker can make close to 500 hp because of the parts available for small blocks today. The old saying " there's no replacement for displacement" really, in my opinion, doesn't work anymore. Thats JMO though and i know there are many that would disagree. However, with the new technology and all of the things that you can do now with a small block. They make big numbers and can be made to have fairly large inches. Also, the bigger you start, the bigger you can go. If u start with a 454 you can make much larger numbers than you could with a 350 because you already have 100 cui advantage.

    Forged is always better if u have the money to throw at it. But if you have the money for a forged kit for a BBC more power to ya.

    Another thing to think about, if your planning on racing this engine, you might think about how much a bbc weighs over a sbc. some say its not worth it, others say it is. Then there's the group that can afford a full aluminum operation

  6. #6
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    the383 may be cheaper to build at a point MONEY the 396 can make 500 hp but not cheap and as for the 383 no way in hell will it make the TQ of the 496 dollar for dollar the big block is the best deal if you know what you are doing. and the 396 is a very good engine but time has past it by. parts for this like the pistons small bore engine are not cheap BUT if you think this old rat has no teeth you would be WRONG i had more than one396-402 and i whip many 427 350 400 454and some fords and more. you just need to think how much money you want to spend and get real on the leve of hp you want you will have a very hard time getting close to the leve of hp you want for less than 3500 to4000i have had big block for over 26 years have had 396 to 572 and 630+ CID big blocks and i still like the old 396 -402 they can run. i have made them run.
    Last edited by pat mccarthy; 02-09-2006 at 12:35 AM.

  7. #7
    mad hooker is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    yes ill have the money to push a 396 that far, i know a 396 have balls , and thats why i want to throw one in my ss. and for the materr i want to do a rest job on the car. i know 350 can be buit to be monsters, so i know 396 have alot of potential. if thats what its gonna take to get a 396 throwing out those numbers im more than willing to put out the money for it. what would be the best combos to make such power? i havent seen alot of dynoed comboes for 396's, so what would be to the best way to start ?

  8. #8
    mad hooker is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    hey pat what did you use in you 396's? and what comboes work for you and what were there numbers?

  9. #9
    Superjim427's Avatar
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    use a 454 crank good oval heads rpm air gap intake and a crane roller cam with 610 - 632 lift and you will be on your way thats what i did

  10. #10
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    i did not do much 1965 396 this was over 20 years ago and dyno were not easy to find or deck top dynos. yes you can put the 4.00 crank in one like i said before but you will need to get custom pistons or work over a set of 396 trw forged pistons use a454 fly wheel and damper this will be 427 or close to it. i do not know bore size you have right now . a roller cam like i said will help the hp and the heads and if you go with a big cam you will have to have cr and like i said this may be tuff when small dome low cr pistons are over $400 so just with the roller cam roller rockers and pistons this dos not give you much for block crank intake all machine work. i see you think that it like a 350?? it is not IN NO WAY shape or form it is a big block chevy rods are longer heads are big evey things are bigger that is why it called a big block
    Last edited by pat mccarthy; 02-09-2006 at 08:11 AM.

  11. #11
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    396 block/454 crank
    std. bore 422 c.i. / piston dia. 4.094", 1.643" compression height
    0.030" over 428 c.i. / piston dia. 4.124", 1.643" c.h.
    0.060" over 434 c.i. / piston dia. 4.154", 1.643 c.h.

  12. #12
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Superjim427
    use a 454 crank good oval heads rpm air gap intake and a crane roller cam with 610 - 632 lift and you will be on your way thats what i did
    Whose pistons did you use?

  13. #13
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    Originally posted by techinspector1
    Whose pistons did you use?
    yes that is what i like to know to techinspector i have wanted to bulid one like this i have not had the 396 pistons in my hand but i do think there is there is more than enough meat on the 396 piston to do this. i just got a set of speed pro in the shop for a 402 and will get in to it. i will have a answer if any one want to know by the week end. still in shock on my price on the piston s my cost over $400
    Last edited by pat mccarthy; 02-09-2006 at 09:54 AM.

  14. #14
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    454 crank comp height 1.645 396 -402-427 1.765 so if it is in the hole 100 or bit more but the crank counterweigths on the 454 crank may need a bit of work .i thing it can happen with the 396 shelf pistons cut just the flat of the piston and the dome will go up more so more cr but the valve notch will have to be fly cut in more or the big cam

  15. #15
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    396 pistons need to be 0.115" to 0.117" shorter on the comp. height, all other things being equal. Of course you'd have a little room in there to play with the deck height.
    Last edited by techinspector1; 02-09-2006 at 09:54 AM.

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