Here goes...I've got a MkIV 454, with a 770 Holley Avenger sitting on a Weiand Stealth dual plane manifold, 9.5:1 CR, Voodoo 213/219 @.050 (256/262 adv), .515/.530 lift, 112LS, 6272990 heads (2.19/1.88 valves, rect port), ceramic coated headers into 2.25 dual exhaust through a set of FM 40-series mufflers, HEI, ...all this is connected through a TH400 to 3.36 gears in the rear. The cars primary purpose will not be that of a daily driver (gas$$) but it will be street driven with an occasional trip to the track for fun.

I know this is not the best combo in the world and that I have some parts working against each other. Let me just say a few things about that...

1. I got a good deal on the heads
2. the exhaust is brand new, aluminized umm...steel? anyway, it's new and came with the car (for the previously installed SBC)
3. I know alot more now than I did when I started this project.
4. I have a tight budget
5. I have a tight budget
6. I have a set of peanut ports (14092360) that I almost installed in lieu of the RP's

My question is, how well do you think this will behave? Will it be a total dog? Will I be fouling plugs? Street manners? Should I have used the peanuts?Exhaust big enough for decent performance? What changes would you suggest in terms of increasing performance without having to tear the whole motor apart? Any input is appreciated....I am basically wondering if this combo will perform respectable enough to give me some braggin rights and drive for awhile until I can find a decent set of oval ports (plus time and more $$) to put on there. This is my first real build project and turning back is not really an option at this point (I have a kid on the way...need to finish pronto). What do you all think? Has anyone ever thrown together a "bad" combo and been relatively happy with the performance?

It's a real nice looking motor anyway......Does that boost my hp?
