Is $350 a decent price for just a standard bore 454 block?
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Is $350 a decent price for just a standard bore 454 block?
Has it been hot tanked and magnafluxed??Quote:
Originally Posted by daveid
dont think so. just told it was greased up for storage and standard bore with no ridge.
I would make him pay for the hot tank and mag.
You could always offer to split the cost of the hot tank and mag.
If he does not want to run fast run far.
thanx for the info and advice. i appreciate it.
The 454 block would make a good starting point for a 496.:rolleyes:
that would be better than a slat6:rolleyes:Quote:
Originally Posted by erik erikson
Yes,it would.Quote:
Originally Posted by pat mccarthy
I still have the old slant six.
I'll go get the tig welder.
You better have that aluminum ladder ready.:whacked:
why yes .... yes i do :whacked: and i just got some new tig rod :D lets GO.i have sleeves in stockQuote:
Originally Posted by erik erikson
I have the old tig wire welder at the house.Quote:
Originally Posted by pat mccarthy
The last time I was out in the garage and I was just looking at the pressure in the tank the wife looks over at me and say's "what now".
I just ignored her so she says it again only this time it is a little louder.
Then she say's what are you doing??
Then it was "why do you have them in the garage"
She then said "What if I wanted to buy a new Tahoe"?
"Where would I put it at" ?
She already has a new Honda Accord,Yes I said Honda.
I could think of a couple of different place's she could put the new Tahoe at but I bit my tongue.
I can't complain to much.
She has not been that mean over the years.:eek:
:whacked: 496 the wifes honda she would love you for that. and hey i would help you get it to fit ........the engine
Pat,I really don't want to get shot at my own house.Quote:
Originally Posted by pat mccarthy
There is a Honda Accord with a SBC running around Des Moines.
I say the guy at a car show last year.
All I could say was "that's different".
The guy said "can you think of a better way to make this car fly".
Well he had me on that one.
He had "channel iron " run all up and down the chassis.
Narrowed nine inch,wheel tubes, everthing you could think of had been done.
350 turbo, a 10-point cage,a 450 hp 383.
I looked at the car for awhile and his welding was good anyway.