I have a basically stock rebuilt 454 with the 236 heads on it. It is in a 3300lb car and I only have a gtech time with it which was 13.46 with a 250lb buddy with me. It does feel like it is out of air at 4500 tops I would say.
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I have a basically stock rebuilt 454 with the 236 heads on it. It is in a 3300lb car and I only have a gtech time with it which was 13.46 with a 250lb buddy with me. It does feel like it is out of air at 4500 tops I would say.
A few questions...
What's a GTECH ?
How does it pull UP TO 4500?
What kind of cam and rear gears are/were you running?
Thanks for chiming in !! :)
GM,is rather limited to the heads they have.Quote:
Originally Posted by 65cayne
I would think that this combination would work much better with a set of oval 265 cc AFR's or a set of oval 270 cc Brodix heads.
I.M.O.,325 cc heads are way to large for this application.
A gtech is a performance meter you mount in the car. The ET on them is usually pretty close to a track but the mph is usually 3-5 mph higher than a track would be.Quote:
Originally Posted by 65cayne
I bought the engine from a guy that had it rebuilt. He said it was a totally stock 454 rebuild.
I have 3.73 gears and have a 28" tire. I have a 3500 stall converter in a TH350 tranny. Seems like it is all done maybe 2/3 of the way through the quarter and pulls slowly after that.
Google, dude, Google . . .
I :confused: See your Pusssy cat is loaded for DOG????:eek: well i did know someone that did use this type of head that did put a car in the 10s diamond did the heads done by butch elkins (the man) spelled wrong ? well any ways your stock 454 may have run out of cam at 4500 and the valves are to small i would say for any thing past 4500 . i think would work great in a 396/402 or work over with big valves and a bowl job.O49 or 781 would be nice i have them peanut ports loaded up like cord wood going to try to move them on EbayQuote:
Originally Posted by Blackroc
There will be another set of peanut ports on Ebay once I have the cash to replace them.Quote:
Originally Posted by pat mccarthy
Yeah that dog hunting pussy cat gets a lot of comments.
well i hate just to throw them out but i have many sets. BUT new seals and 3 angle job and fresh deck job wash up mag job and set up and sell them less for my time i have in them ????????????????????????
They would work great for towing a trailer etc. but I guess most people towing these days are using diesel pickups.
i hoping for a boater or some one any one ??????????
That cord wood reference gives me a funny visual...
Do these heads have more meat to them or just larger water jackets?
So that's it? One person willing to stand up and say he runs around with a BBC with truck heads bolted on?
Seems as though, with the amount of low end torque they make, and the fact that people cant GIVE them away, they would be a good economical low cost alternative to get someone going in the big block world. Sort of a conservative, fuel efficient, motor with low end grunt to get away from the green lights. No??:confused:
I understand that most of you build more serious motors way beyond what these heads deliver. Figured that more of you have run them. Maybe I ought to go to a 4x4 forum and poke around there for peanut info.
BTW: not saying this in a mean way or threatening to boycott CHR (not that anyone would care). I love this site. Just looking for stories/experience. Thanks all!
well if you gear it for grunt and the rigth cam they will work BUT it is like 4 bolt mains and alum heads a steel crank you need all this stuff or you have crap ?you could build a engine around them heads. BUT not to may engine builders would not think of them as a first choice maybe the last choice as to not having nothing else to put on top of the engine or for a class were they have to run them for reasons that has been out lined by more then one on this post. could i make them work on a engine you bet. but all the time to get them to work and for resell there is better heads that need less work that would work thru a broader rpm range on a454
A fuel efficent 454??Quote:
Originally Posted by 65cayne
That is about like saying jumbo shrimp.
Fine if know one else will say it I will.
The peanut ports are a big piece of $hit and not worth a damn and I have about ten sets that I will take down to the scrap jard for weight.
Maybe you should go "poke around" on the 4x4 forum.
Did you ever consider that there might be a reason why no one runs them.:whacked:
not a hot head. HEY erik how is the slant 6 i got a new bag of block rock????????