Well Pat, the walls have over .008 taper and I am already at max. bore.Quote:
Originally Posted by pat mccarthy
You had better order up those sleeves.
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Well Pat, the walls have over .008 taper and I am already at max. bore.Quote:
Originally Posted by pat mccarthy
You had better order up those sleeves.
hey i keep the in stock let the good times roll 4.560 bore in stock :3dSMILE:Quote:
Originally Posted by erik erikson
Pat do you think the sleeves might over-lap each other a little bit.Quote:
Originally Posted by pat mccarthy
no i will off set the bores to the out side of the block that is what they make wrist pins for:whacked:Quote:
Originally Posted by erik erikson
I guess I better fire up the old tig for the custom made intake.Quote:
Originally Posted by pat mccarthy
Now where did I lay that 3/8 sheet of 6061 alu.
i am thinking we could cut up a big block chevy had and weld it up that would be a killer head for that puppy:whacked:Quote:
Originally Posted by erik erikson
No reason to get HOT about it. I am building my first big block and am trying to get information from people who have run these heads because either they didnt care about building power at 7000rpm or because they havent scraped the money up to getter a better flowing pair.Quote:
Originally Posted by erik erikson
"They are a big piece of sh!t" is not the answer I am looking for. Is it too much to ask to be a little more informative or descriptive like Pat and Blackroc? Not everyone is at your level. BTW: Thanks for the invitation to go away. Real nice of you.
I have already told you I would run a set of the 781's.Quote:
Originally Posted by 65cayne
If I gave you flow numbers I really doubt you could even comprehend them.
The last set of "peanut heads" I ran was on a stock 366 truck block that I rebuilt in about 1989.
The heads are to small for any 454 engine.
The sarcasm here is getting a little thick. Why?Quote:
Originally Posted by erik erikson
I believe the original question was whether or not someone had used the peanut ports with any success. Also, I remember a request that the whole "these heads are junk" comments be withheld. Remember this ?? "Please don’t tell me that you heard they are junk (I've heard that too)...I am hoping someone (or more than a few) has done a build with these heads and can comment on the performance based off what they felt"
Cayne has stated that this is his first big block build........ He doesn't have a spare set of 781's just laying around, he is trying to do the best he can with what he has to work with and maybe learn some things here from some experts.
I am sure the majority of the comments and criticism is very much appreciated. My thanks to those that have tried to help.
It is possible that you (erik) know a thing or two here, but this comment " If I gave you flow numbers I really doubt you could even comprehend them." is out of line. Did it make you feel better? You weren't personally attacked.
This isn't my build, my car, or even my business I suppose. I have been following this with some interest though. Maybe I should just keep my comments to myself if I don't have anything productive to say ...................................................sounds like a good idea.
I agree. I have been following this post also, as I do with some others. You can sometimes pick up good info. But with the content of this one, and the way it is going, you can see why I spend so little time here anymore. Who would want to come here for help with an honest question, and then be told in no uncertain terms that he is too stupid to understand a flow chart? This is actually embarassing. :(Quote:
Originally Posted by 65ny
I don't have to run the heads to know they will not work very well on a 454. All I have to look at are the flow numbers to know the heads are way to small.Quote:
Originally Posted by 65ny
To give everyone a rough idea there are many sbc heads that will out flow the "peanut heads".
Have I done dyno pulls on the ''peanut port heads"?
No I have not.
Originally Posted by 1JohnnyO
At what point and time did I say "in no uncertain terms that he is too stupid"
Why is it "actually embarassing"
Do you know how to use a flow bench and understand flow numbers?
Please re-read my post again.
I have given an honest reply but he did not want the truth..
I could lie any say with these heads he will make an easy 600 hp but why lie??
well i tried to say it nice it is a very tough head to make work good and that should be the end of it .if money was not stopping you and you put 1200+ in them heads would they work better yes better then what? a stock set of peanut heads that is it .would they work on a stock engine yes. very mild engine .yes would they push your car in the low 12 in stock trim now you would have to be damn lucky .I THINK IT IS TIME TO TAKE A DEEP BREATH BEFORE MANY MORE REMARKS ARE MADE?? ERIK BUILDS RACE HEADS AND ENGINES AND I THINK TRIED TO TELL YOU THEY ARE NO GOOD .i try to say they would work on a very mild build .i did know some one that spent more money and time on a set to run a class car that had to have a set on it. i would say at the time $3000+ . YOUR HEADS would be better then not driving your car if that is stoping you from making it move ?some of us try to answer some of the post best we can? LETs NOT FOR GET IT IS FREE? I THINK ERICK WAS A BIT TOUGH? BUT HE MAYBE WAS THINKING ? HE TOLD HIM THAT THE HEADS JUST WOULD NOT WORK. IF HE COULD OR DID READ A FLOW CHART HE COULD SEE HE WOULD BE SHOTTING HIM SELF IN THE FOOT ?I WILL NOT PILE ON ERIK E THAT WOULD BE TO EASY TO DO AND SOME HERE DID A DRIVE by ON ERIK? BUT NO ONE HERE HAS EVERY GOT BENT OUT OF SHAPE ?WITH SOME ONE???? WELL I HAVE SOME ONE TAKES THE TIME TO POST GOOD OR BAD IT FREE AND THERE IS AT TIMES FREE HEAT WITH A POST? WELL NOT ALL PEOPLE THINK THE SAME I HAVE GOT TO THE END OF MY ROPE AND I JUST DO NOT WANT TO TELL ANY ONE ON HERE ANY THING OR CARE TO DO IT. TOOK ME OVER 25 YEARS TO KNOW WHAT I KNOW SO IF YOU CAN NOT TAKE IT BUY A HOT ROD MAG SOME OF US HAVE WORK ON JUNK AND MADE DO. BUT THERE IS A TIME WHERE YOU HAVE TO DRAW A LINE AND SAY I DO NOT HAVE THE MONEY TO BUY A SET OF KILLER HEADS AND WHAT I HAVE COULD MAKE THE CAR MOVE THAT WOULD BE BETTER THEN NOT AT ALL AND LEAVE IT AT THAT. AND SAVE FOR A BETTER ENGINE BUILD AND JUST ENJOY WHAT YOU HAVEQuote:
Originally Posted by erik erikson
You didnt have to actually say it, it was very easy to take it that way....Im sure cayne did. And it's embarrasing at times to say that I belong to a group that would treat someone like that. Everyone is not at the same level of knowledge here. It has nothing to do with your take on the heads...I happen to agree with you, they are not a performance head. But if you're getting annoyed because the guy is asking the same question in different ways, or you dont like that he doesnt accept your answer, why wouldnt you just not reply anymore instead of taking it this way? I just dont get it sometimes. I have a good friend who used to frequent this board a few years ago, matter of fact, he's the one who suggested it to me. Just about a month ago, I was discussing a question with him on a car issue, and asked him if he posted it here. He then told me how he hasnt been in here in over a year, and it was because of exactly the same thing. He said he was tired of just a very few that felt they had to belittle others that were just looking for help, or putting up with sarcastic replys that were quite frequent. It was no surprise to me really, I have seen it a hundred times. I just think it's sad that there is a pretty big pool of knowledge here, but that it's not used to it's potential. I could probably go on, but for what? I guess I've said enough.Quote:
Originally Posted by erik erikson
Erik, I am sorry you feel like you are being attacked. The reality of it is that you are missing the point of my post which has been repeated several times.
Look at it this way: If I (or you) were to write a research paper on these heads, what information can I put in there in terms of what works and what doesnt. How is the seat of the pants feeling from 1000-2000rpm, 2000-3000rpm, etc...compared to better flowing heads. A paper like that would earn a decent grade. If I wrote "They are a POS and will not work on a 454" over and over to satisfy my ten page requirement, I would most certainly earn a failing grade.
You stated that you've used the heads one time. Granted it was only a 366ci but you could have commented on it. You have never pulled one on a dyno...fine. No further comment is necessary (although I would be interested to see what the results look like).
There is no reason to insult my intelligence or even make assumptions about it because I have not treated you this way. If you dont think that you have done so, then you are wrong and need to take an objective look at what you said to me. I am very good at math and understanding the dynamics of an engine (including your flow numbers). What I lack is real life experience. You may not care to at this point, but if you read through this thread, "experience with these heads" (verbatum, post#1) is what I am after. Not alternatives. Now I am beating a dead horse.
I think I have gleaned enough information from this post to move on with my life. My thanks to everybody for contributing (yes, including you Erik. You bring a wealth of knowledge here even though we cannot get on the same page for this particular topic).