O.K,Who are you??Quote:
Originally Posted by TimtheEnchanter
I have said this often.
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O.K,Who are you??Quote:
Originally Posted by TimtheEnchanter
I have said this often.
At 8.3 CR I estimate under 700 HP at 8 psi with BDS competition blower.
Using big valves, fully ported, (2.3/1.9) and 9.5 CR still under 750 HP.
And with 9.5 and 8 psi with roots blower you will be getting real close to detonation problems without an intercooler.
IMO you are gonna need Nitrous to get to 900 hp .................
I est just under 775 hp with the natural 10.25 CR 540 drag race max power configuration .............
Originally Posted by kitz
We have also changed his comp. ratio to 9.0 to 1.
He has found different gas with a 98 octane rating.
He called it street race gas??
I am un-sure of this gas and have never seen it.
So we are going to try 10-12 lbs. of boost.
I have talked him into running an intercooler.
I am a little nervous but he does have the MSD box for blown applications and the ability to retard his timing if he thinks he is into detenation.
Will he make 900hp??
I don't really know.
Either way it is going to have plenty of hp for a street engine.:)
Heavy car..... street application......900 HP? recommended head; Dart Big Chiefs. 2.20 intakes 1.95 exh please feel free to go a tad bigger on exh. Change to 4.375 on bore. Change stroke to 4.50 or suitable dimensions for customer. Blowers need more exhaust than intake, velocity is not important as much as volume and they like more stroke than bore. Run a set of injectors above the rotors, Hat side, won't need an itnercooler, run the budget a bit higher and be sure the second set of injectors are at and I mean at the intake valve, .660 to .670 base lift is a good starting point for cam with ramps ground for quick valve action, (Pats' suggestion is dead on), shelf the hydraulic idea and go with a quality mechanical roller set up. So what, we all need to learn how to work on our projects. It's stress relief from our everyday stuff. 94 octane can achieve more than he wants for hp and the torque numbers will be a bunch more. Sorry for the rant, jet lag is still set in and I have travel tension built up. By the way. spring pressures at seat are too low. Taravel bounce will occur and BOOM!, it's not pretty for someone who wishes to keep this thing together.
Customer does not want mech. cam, I have already tried.Quote:
Originally Posted by nitrowarrior
Injecters on a street car??
He still wants to drive the car to the local drive in and not have to "clear it out " at ever light.
The spring pressure listed was for a hyd. roller cam.
Dart Big Chief's on a 540 might be a little out of his budget and I.M.O. a little much for a 6,500 max. rpm engine.
You sure have.Quote:
Originally Posted by erik erikson
My friends call me.........................Tim. :toocool:
Remember, there is a line to be crossed for what the customer's think they want and really need. My suggestions were for a budget minded customer. If the constaraints are that tight, please be the ambassador and turn him (or Her) around. They are hoping for the impossible. Everybody body wants a Ferrari and can't afford a Cadillac. Price out what I suggested. Combinations are affordable and the injection works. What's the "clean-out" proceedure you mentioned. That's 60's stuff. Today's setups are way too clean for streetability. 6,500? the combo I talked about will be about 6,800. I don't go for overkill, just what works for what they want.
sorry i didnt realize your building a blower motor. he made that power N/A single carb. In this day and age, i would use a procharger over any big heavy roots blowe any day of the week?
He wants the old school look with 2 carbs. out the hood.Quote:
Originally Posted by nitrowarrior
When you said injection I thought you meant mech. such as Hilborn,Endrelle, etc.
To flow enough air,gas to feed a 540 and use electronic fuel injection he would have to run a Force fuel system or something like it.
By the time you are done they are $5,000 or more.
$3,000 more or more than a set of good flowed carbs.
Okay, I see where you're headed now. Heads are big enough but designed for velocity under naturally aspirated conditions. Exhausting side is not enough flow. Blower will need to be bigger to achieve numbers because of what is taken away from engine to drive it needs to be compensated by a bigger blower. If carb numbers are as stated, enough CFM to do it. Remember, That was flow bench numbers under naturual aspiration not forced draw the blower will pull down thru them (forced induction drastically canges flow bench numbers). Camshaft at those meager specs (granted we are not being supplied with total specs) will never see 900 hp with out fudging with the bottle. Anything is possible, my wonder is, will the rest of the system be able to handle it? Is he really being realistic or should he settle for the 650 to 700 hp range. On a budget, I would coax him into something more down to earth. I hate these scenarios because the customer has big dreams and yet does not see that the bigger the horse the more moola it takes to achieve.
this build is close to what i have on my 50?? every one can tell me it should not work it works just fine for 5+ years i beat the hell out of it . small soild roller cam 708/708 268/272 @.050 110lsa 10to1 cr 548 cid 10 boost .with a set of rework gm rect heads and cut out for isky 1.625 iskyloys 9685 springs nothing that hot just alot of fine tuning on the heads/ parts 1017 head gaskets srp flat tops pistons JE rings 250. long H beam rods scat knife crank. it could make more power with better head and bigger carbs BUT it really runs just fine the way it is .i woulld think it is pushing a easy 750 hp but really who cares the TQ is God Awesome if i was to do it all over .the heads would be off it and a set of BMF heads for more power that i really do not need . but have them if i want to put them on. i do run 110 fuel in it we have run it at power i would not say at w.o.t there is not to many roads that long and i run out of balls . on top of 3 gear .but we did do a EX temp check on it runs just fine and using the msd boost master box on it
We don't discount the engine you're beating on Pat. Like I said before I admire your taste in "big" stuff. If anyone re-reads this post, they will see the customer has huge intentions but doesn't want to spend the money. It has been proven over and over, if you wanna run "big", "ya gotta spend big". Like I said, I hate these scenarios. Silk purse from a sow's ear. Keep this customer settled down or walk away. He'll see the light and your phone will be ringing soon. Wanna go big? Spend the cash. Enough experienced builders here on the site will attest to that. We're not building bombs, just creating workable solutions to your request. SPEND THE MONEY!...sorry, just so tired of the million's of horsepower for no effort on the cash flow side. I'm not paying for it because of my health or passion for power. Customers and hobbiests have to get real sometime.
well i build engine and machine engines/headers/fabwork for my income(bad ideal) i do not build engine that are all hp or all dart/world / bowtie/ donovans blocks. i do the low dollar deals. i wish they all could be nice new parts but many of time i fix stuff or make stuff work . like today checking for the right size push rods and degree the cam in the finding there was not enough pistons to valves and setting the mill up for fly cutting the pistons .did i make any money to day??? NO this is the same old game i know it well have guys come in and want a engine that makes 500hp for $3500.they would not know 500hp if it jump up and bit them in the ass or how much time i spend on making parts fit .that is why i have a very good rep for building big block chevy that will run . that is why i am broke wellcome to the HP world :whacked:Quote:
Originally Posted by nitrowarrior
Amen brother!.....Have you ever noticed those with an unlimited budget buy all the fandangled stuff and still can't produce? I too look for the low budget stuff to acquire for builds. Too many people read a rag and think that their solution is right there in front of them because so-n-so did it. You wrote a reply to a post stating that, and I could not be more agreeable to it. Like the acronym goes; K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid)......LOL Thanks for your good efforts Pat and all the good folks here that strive through their own labors (and finances) to keep the people informed.