I don't know
Hi friends, I'm a novice in engines stuff, I wanna swap my father's '78 C-30 truck from inliner six into 454 but I'm confused. some guys told me I have change the front crossmember. Is this true? what else I have to do? (aside including other gas tank and of course swap engine :D ) oh yes, I'm thinking about swaping 4.56 to 3.42 gears I would like to know your opinion.
well, you will not need to change the x member, the 6cyl mounts can be re drilled to fit the 454, you just have to know where to drill them, otherwise just find BBC frame mounts for a '73-'87 pickup. 4.56 is a 4x4 gear ratio, if the truck is 4x4, you have to change front and rear, and the axles will be Dana axles ( not shure which series ), and not GM 12 bolt.
Good direction Matt.....Push him toward frame mounts....It's already "punched out" for them.
thanks friends your directions have been very usefull I will let you know when my project starts any other questions or personal opinion about this topic
¡¡¡big block power!!!
if its a 2 wheel drive then dropping the gear ratio will help gas mileage a bit when adding the 454, she'll have plenty of power to move even with taller gears..... but yup matts right, you can redrill the frame mounts for your motor mounts.... or junkyard some.... its plenty easy to find your model in the junkyard already equipped with a big block, then you can also score a bellhousing for your tranny
If You Use Bb Monts Frame Shpuld Be Drilled All Ready And Tran Will Boult Up