Well I decided to try a different cam searching for a little more power in my 427, a Lunati 402A4LUN. Engine fired right up and took RPMS to 2000, checked timing, temp and coolant level and about 10 minutes into break in I could hear the lifters clattering more than normal so I shut it down for a check and sure enough the dam lobes for cylinders 7 & 8 started to go bad. This is not my first cam install (somewhere in the 20's), done enough to know the does and don'ts, used 15-40 Delo oil, pre lube engine prior to start up, used cam break in lube, springs are matched to cam, used lifters with the oil hole (Comp Cam) and so on. I sent the cam and lifters back to Summit Racing and after speaking with them on the phone they warrantied the cam and lifters. Only suggestion was to use the cam oil additive and maybe pull the inner valve springs out for break in.

Now after draining the oil I noticed a lot of metal I decided to pull the engine for inspection and sure enough the metal made it to the bearings so I will be replacing all of them.

I gave my old cam to my cheap brother for his 396 and the Isky cam is not in stock but they said they will make one up and drop ship it to me.

With the new cam I will be using Comp Cam break in oil additive, Valvoline 20-50 Racing oil and taking out the inner valve springs. Any other suggestions and really have to say thanks to Summit and Isky.