What Is The "high" Normal Temp Fro A 454 At Idle??
i DON'T KNOW IF i AM CONCERNED ABOUT NOTHING OR NOT, i HAVE A 39 CHEVY COUPE WITH A WALKER 4CORE RADIOR,, A 3,000 CFM PULLER FAN. DRIVEING THE CAr at speed it runs arond 190, but if I sit & idle for around five minutes the temp will climb to 225 & stay(it is a electric temp gauge) is 225 too high or is it o.k.?? I have hooked a mechcanical temp gauge to the head & it read 215 so maybe the elec. gauge is reading alittle high. But i do want to know what the highest safe temp a engine can run without damage. also what is the norm for a 454 to run at idle.?