I have never dealt with a roller cam/building a BB...All this stuf is new to me so thank you so much for your help...
Is a solid roller good for the street?
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I have never dealt with a roller cam/building a BB...All this stuf is new to me so thank you so much for your help...
Is a solid roller good for the street?
if you came to me and said build a engine .i would look at the real use what i mean by this is are you driving be low 1500 in town and driving below 3000 then i would look at tq and build the engine for this. BUT if you want max power and not driving at low speed then i would build something more of a power band the heads intake cam cr will have alot to do with it not just a number .that will not help if your trying to drive it to church and back you will feel TQ and will make it fun to drive all the time .a hi hp engine may not turn on below 2500 and you will be on the boil with alot of gear and stall .that s what you may think you want? but after some times this may get old less you want this type of engine. that will not like rolling down the road at 1800 just past the idle of a engine of a big hp engine
Thats what I mean, I dont wnat something that is a pain to drive, but I do want something that When you put the pedal down it kicks like a mule....I want a high torque number at a realtivly low rpm, but can pull hard though the rpm range (thats why I was looking at the AFR 305/315 heads, kinda middle of the road on a 496...I think?)...I dont need crazy HP numbers...Im not sure of what cams to be looking at, or CR(10:1 seems to be a good number?)...
i would stay a round 320 cc or just a bit smaller head would work good i think and a cam like 244/257 @ 050 and 108 lsa around 570 lifte hyd roller cr 10to1 this would be max for what i think you want ?
Thank you,
If I build it it will run....
Ill start lokking for parts and post them, when I find them..
Thanks again