what gap should i run for best performance on a 454 .30 over 10.2:1 hydraulic mech. 274h
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what gap should i run for best performance on a 454 .30 over 10.2:1 hydraulic mech. 274h
Sean, feed us some ignition info. Makes a difference.
the ignition is an msd streetfire hei distributor with 8.5mm crane firewire, the plugs are bosch platinum plus, also i am running 91 octane
I would run .035.Quote:
Originally Posted by seansz28
i agree with eric .035. if you use a power adder close it up a little to .030...
.035 is were you want to be at. hey look erik.500 caddy. we all agree on this one just do not ask how long of a rod you need:confused: denny you gap your lawn mower plug .**)
I would definitely run .036 :LOL:
o hell no i can't agree with you guys gap the plugs at .0349 that's better..
my stock hei truck igni says .45 ??????????? ive always wondereds that with my car pro billet distributor 6al and blaster coil ive always ran .35 am i to short on the gap? :LOL:
no on hi cr you can go shorter gap better spark kernel and helps from blow off the spark . msd say 035 some were i think so all ways run them there
dude , first , lose bosch platinum plus, I know , they cost a lot , get a good AC Delco , Motorcraft or Autolight , my choice is NGK BPR6ES in a 454 bored .060 = 468 cid 13.5 :1 all MSD, racing fuel only, pro/street camaro , I have seen to many skips ,pops ,misses with the fancy plugs, stick with the basics , get the right heat range is the most important thing with any plug you use though.
Good luck there Sean.......
i agree with the bosch plugs junk.... man you most be spraying the shit out of it with a 6 heat range ngk..
I say go NGK.Quote:
Originally Posted by krazziee
In 80% of the engines I build I use the $ 2.00 NGK plugs.
well i will take the std cheapy bosch plugs any day over AC horse shit plugs:D i run the bosch plugs in my 548 blown street car they work and used the autolights in many of my street big block used them in my 14.8 to1.. 548 cid street engine run like a top with msd you do not need any fancy plugsQuote:
Originally Posted by 500caddy
pat i'm talking about the platnuim bosch. the centers fall out if you get them to hot. i like the autolites race plug or the standerd is fine.ngk race or denso in the power adder cars.
yep me to i have had good luck with all them plugs .i work at a boat yard and if a new boat was missing at hi end or just plan running bad .i would pull out the NEW AC out put in a new set of plugs not AC run like a top . i change out many AC .they would rim fire the core was off that far the it would not hit the ground strap must of pull out over 56 plugs like this after that i will not run any AC plugsQuote:
Originally Posted by 500caddy