Originally Posted by gottabuild1
Yes it is going to be a street strip car, might see the track 3 or 4 times in a year, talking with a guy on the forum here about putting together a bottom end for a 632 with a merlin pro block, around 13-1 compression with something in the 7's for lift and have been looking at a few different heads, AFR's , Dart's etc but whatever i run is going to have at least a 340 cc intake runner and will flow a good amount, also for now going with a single dominator and might run a belt drive, not sure i really need , might just go with a chain, can't see spending a 1000 on a belt , but maybe in the future.
I have 3 candidates for cars, i have a 80 malibu 2 door, an 85 regal and a 84 monte but is in sad condition, i am building a sleeper car, nothing that looks to fancy, going to run mini tubs with ladder bars/ coilovers on a 9'' nothing too big, i want people say "GOD WHAT WAS THAT?", i am going to cage it, allready have the material just need to do it, get vacation in a couple of weeks so i think i will decide which car i am going to use and get the cage done and start working on the rear end, i do know for now i will definately have traction problems so there is not going to be a huge strain on the drivetrain, until i can tub it, but if i do it right there are people running 8's on 10.5'' tires, allready have the fuel system minus a fuel pump big enough to run this beast car shouldnt weigh more than 3300 but thats just a guess, could be a little more especially if i ran the monte but i have ruled that car out, too much work on that one
All in all it will 95% street driven which might be once every couple weeks if i am lucky, i work about 100 hours a week so not much time