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Thread: big block numbers

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  1. #1
    chevydrivin is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    big block numbers


    Should I pick this big block out of the scrap iron pile?
    Its a 3963512, book says 70 -76 454 or 69-427. Would that be short ot tall deck?
    Not familar with BB numbers is there a # on the front pad like SB's?


  2. #2
    erik erikson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chevydrivin
    Should I pick this big block out of the scrap iron pile?
    Its a 3963512, book says 70 -76 454 or 69-427. Would that be short ot tall deck?
    Not familar with BB numbers is there a # on the front pad like SB's?

    I think that is more likely a 454, 70-76 block.
    It is a good early casting number.

  3. #3
    chevydrivin is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Ok just went and checked, one of the heads is a 3964290, which is a
    "3964290....69-70...oval..CLOSED..396, 402, 427, 454, 101cc chamber
    Large or small hex spark
    plugs used"
    Is this worth picking up?
    It has a stall convertor also so it had an automatic, also has a coil bracket so it had points.

  4. #4
    erik erikson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chevydrivin
    Ok just went and checked, one of the heads is a 3964290, which is a
    "3964290....69-70...oval..CLOSED..396, 402, 427, 454, 101cc chamber
    Large or small hex spark
    plugs used"
    Is this worth picking up?
    It has a stall convertor also so it had an automatic, also has a coil bracket so it had points.
    Yes,that is a good closed chamber head.
    Has he given you a price yet??

  5. #5
    maxxmuscle's Avatar
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    My '69 L-88 427 (factory 1969 crate/replacement motor) block was a 3512 block!! They also used that number on the 454's all Hi-perf castings! Is it apart? Should say HI-PERF cast into either the side of the block or in the timing face of the block. I'll take it !!
    If its not worth doing right, its not worth doing... Donny, MaxxMuscle Custom Painting

  6. #6
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
    pat mccarthy is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    the 512 block is a very good$$$$$$$$ block
    Irish Diplomacy ..the ability to tell someone to go to Hell ,,So that they will look forward to to the trip

  7. #7
    gassersrule_196's Avatar
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    gimme! ill take it

  8. #8
    chevydrivin is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Ok i'll have to hide this one from the wife, she already thinks I am crazy for picking these things up,,,,But.......I'll go get it tomorow, he usually lets me have core motors for $150 maybe cheaper on this one. It is together but has a little rust around the intake and some mud. it is complete. Maybe it won't be bad, i'll chance it and let yall know what it looks like on it's inside's. Will the front pad numbers tell me what it went in?

  9. #9
    chevydrivin is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Got it for $100 today. Took it apart and it was all original. Never bored or turned and no obvious wear. No ridge on cyl, no marks on (steel) crank. Pad was TIVO8 CGV for 1970 camaro 454 I think. Block date code J8 @ 9. Under flywheel on block was I - PER
    Both heads 4290's with date codes J6 9.
    Had pop up pistons but oil ring groove came apart when knocking them out and rods where seized on piston pins. I'll need new rods and pistons for a rebuild.
    Taking it to machine shop to clean it. The cam and lifters are still seized in it, hopefully it will come out after cleaning it. it still had the alluminum cam gear with fiber ring.

  10. #10
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    if a good 512 block added a 0 to the 100 just for the block if you sell it all big block say hi per pass for the 9.800 deck blocks
    Last edited by pat mccarthy; 02-06-2008 at 02:23 PM.
    Irish Diplomacy ..the ability to tell someone to go to Hell ,,So that they will look forward to to the trip

  11. #11
    chevydrivin is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Ok there is only one machine shop around, the guy is good but man. I droped off the engine and told him it was a 454. He said it wasn't, he said 454's did not come with the 101 cc heads! and they never put steel cranks in a 454! I just shook my head and said I was going to build it no matter what it turns out to be. He called me back later and told me the #'s on the crank did match the 454 block. Anyway I'll start another thread later on how to build this thing,If the heads are good I know I need some lower comp pistons, is it possible to get 10:1 with those heads and is that what I should shoot for? Will prob put it in my 68 camaro with a (glide or 400???) and (lower gears???)Oh the guy at the machine shop also told me the motor would only work good in somthing like a bigger truck maybe for towing! come on man just cook my block and tell me everythings OK or not..................................

  12. #12
    rabid rat is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    if your machine shop thinks 454's never came with steel cranks,I would not leave the motor there,find a shop that knows what they are doing,if that is a 4 bolt block,you may be able to sell it,, for enough money to buy a new aftermarket block,a 1969 512 4 bolt block could sell for thousands to someone who needs it for a restoration

  13. #13
    chevydrivin is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Its a 2 bolt. Going to just let him clean it, he took over the shop about 3 yrs ago when the original owner went to work at NASA.

  14. #14
    rabid rat is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    still worth alot,could be easily converted to 4 bolt

  15. #15
    skids72's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chevydrivin
    Its a 2 bolt. Going to just let him clean it, he took over the shop about 3 yrs ago when the original owner went to work at NASA.
    ...apparently the new guy ain't no rocket scientist

    10:1 with 454 closed chamber head easily achievable. I was running 10.2:1 with closed heads in a 402.


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