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Thread: Manifold destiny......

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  1. #1
    sleeve396's Avatar
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    Manifold destiny......


    Allright, I confess sometimes I cant leave well enough alone. My Buds shop truck has a really good running 454 but seemed somewhat gutless, we went ahead and got a really well done set of stock peanut port heads that had a nice valve job and fresh springs and a 030 mill to kick up the dish piston compression, now that its almost together I find a orphaned intake manifold that needs a home a edelbrock torker 2 mid 80.s vintage,
    The factory intake is a flat as Kansas heavy as heck dual plane, which to use?
    I know this is a shop truck and it does see some highway use sometimes towing a load, eventually its gonna tow a car trailer,
    What it has is a fresh dual exhaust with large aftermarket converters and a H pipe and it does have a very slight cam, all I know its a mellings torque grind MT6, the exhaust is 2.5 all the way back, should i leave well enough alone and bolt on that heavy dualplane intake? Or take a chance on the Torker 2 ?

  2. #2
    30-A Rider is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Torker II is designed for 2500-6500 rpm and is single plane manifold as you know. Now I have no expereince with this manifold, but for a "Truck" that I imagine weight over 4000 lbs, peanut port heads, and a mild cam I would be willing to be the only time that TokerManifold would perfrom better than the factory cast iron is about 4000 rpm...the peanut ports probably run out of gas at 5000 as does the cam. Stay with the factory manifold, leave well enough alone and dont change unless a dual plane for a "Shop Truck" is my opinion.

  3. #3
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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  4. #4
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Since you're not that far from Don (Itoldyouso) I believe you should take the Torker II and let him use it for a boat anchor.
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  5. #5
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    a old 396 hi rise or a edelbrock dual plane or a power plus would work oh them bone stock small port heads are not going to work .YEP MY ass
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  6. #6
    sleeve396's Avatar
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    Thanks Guys, A search is on for the older GM cast iron q jet manifold.....

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