Rear seal 9 inch Ford
Didn't know exactly where to post this, but have a small drip coming
from the rear seal of my ford 9 inch. Are there any quick remedies to
this problem.. Seal is just 6 months old... If I have to replace the seal,
can I just take off the Pinion yoke and put another seal in without
taking unit out...........thanks
I'll add to what Denny says that if its leaking after only 6 months there is probally a groove worn into the yoke. I would suggest you install a speedi- sleeve (repair sleeve)on the yoke or replace it.
or put some sealer under the nut/washer---probably leaking thru the splines
yep put someRTV sealer under your nut i use my finger to push it in. first wash it clean with some carb cleaner and dry then sealer after the nuts been on/ off i put some locker on the nut
Your probably right about leaking thru the splines...New ring gear and pinion
installed earlier, so should not have time to wear. will try sealant around
spline washer..........thanks rd
Nobody mentioned the crush collar.
I have often seen guys get the bearing too tight by over crushing the sleeve when they put the pinion nut back on:eek:..Nice thing about the 9" is that you can take the pinion housing out and check it if you like.
well i build them with out crush sleeves .i use shim packs .i hope he s using shim pack and not a sleeve with the engine he has:3dSMILE:last one i set up had ball bearing s in the suport not much pre load like O . was a MW that was fun:D
I haven't had time to take the yoke off. Had new 472 gears all new stuff
including crush sleeve done by someone else..Have not a clue about rear
ends:LOL::LOL:, or those shims...It might not be worth worring about at this time until I get engine in a take it for a spin:D..Who knows, I might have
to try something different..The leak is very small.. Will let you guys know
more in the future what takes place here...thanks for coments r dobbs
You have got to see the trick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now that's funny, I don't care who ya are.
Pretty Cute trick there; however I don't think I am ready to start
buying diapers, etc for the ole 57 just yet....Rdobbs
Chevy engine ID???