Thread: Test run egine stand
03-26-2010 02:12 AM #1
Test run egine stand
My son and I were talking, we should try to run the engine befor setting it in the car, well I'v seen guys run them on engine stands, but it don't look to safe, so we will have to pull the front clip apart down the road anyway, lets do it when the engine is finished, set it in there:---BUT----dad we won't have a trans for some timehe said lets make some kind of a tail wheel we can bolt on to the bellhouse, something like an airplane has
then we can run it, and still roll the car around, it might work
The wife has me on a diet patch, but I don't think its work'in, she said you have that thing on right? said, ya, on my arm. She said, dumb ass, it go's over your mouth!
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03-26-2010 02:33 AM #2
MY run in stand is mobil, has 4 caster wheels on it, a battery box, radiator, and a tranny, along with headers and long rubber tubes to direct the smoke and noise outside.. cost about 10 bux to build..Last edited by mrmustang; 03-28-2010 at 03:57 AM.
03-26-2010 03:43 AM #3
when i worked at the salvage yard a thousand years ago we cranked many an engine on the ground .. but they had the trans on mostly ..iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
03-26-2010 04:30 AM #4
I built this one from an old metal cart . I am using a 1958 Chevy 283 Radiator .!v=2Lt8hQDb178Wisdom is acquired by experience, not just by age
03-26-2010 05:13 AM #5
i have an old camaro clip.
03-26-2010 08:01 AM #6
Wow; Tango now I feel bad I didn't get a picture of the one I built for my friends machine shop. It looks close to yours but in the back of the engine I had a plate
that would slide up or down for differant engines. Also where the motor mounts are
I had built a box around the side of the frame to slid forward or back put some tabs on that with swinging arms to go in or out. It worked out real nice my buddy sure likes it.
I'll have to go get a photo of it.
23'T Pail; Where did that come from??? I'm not saying your not right, I was just wondering what brought that up on this thread??? I don't know anything about this person or his site's.Seem's to me if he is posting photo's of people on other sites with out thier permission that he could be sued, Right.
03-26-2010 09:52 AM #7
Thanks for the tip shine, I have a 305 out of a 76 Nova on the garage floor, and I still have the front clip. I have some big casters that I could put on the rear frame rails to move it around. Thanks for the idea, that's better then building one; I never would have thought of using it to sit the engine in to try to start it. It would be a good way to paint it also. I know the engine ran when I took it out years ago, and I want to put it in a 50 Ford just to have an engine in the car to get a few more dollars when I try to sell it.
03-26-2010 11:07 AM #8
I like to have a lot of wires on my test stands. wires make any engine go faster. wires look cool. wires have sex apeal. ya.. give me lots of wires.
03-27-2010 05:23 AM #9
Richard, you will still need a tail wheel of some kind ,if you have no trans. Or some other way to hold up the back of the engine.Show pictures if you can. I need ideas.
matt aka -stinky-The wife has me on a diet patch, but I don't think its work'in, she said you have that thing on right? said, ya, on my arm. She said, dumb ass, it go's over your mouth!
03-28-2010 01:54 AM #10
03-28-2010 02:32 AM #11
I have an Aluminum Plate that Bolts to the back of my Test stand with Gauges and a ignition Switch . I have even seen Test Stand constructed out of Wood . Most Engines will need a Bellhousing to hook up a starter .Wisdom is acquired by experience, not just by age
03-28-2010 03:58 AM #12
03-28-2010 12:05 PM #13
I work in the engineering dept at a near by hospital and have access to discarded item quite often. I made my stand from a supply cart base. It has brakes and a lock steering function. I don't have the radiator frame completed yet. I do crank the engine over till oil pressure is up to keep it lubed. I put the headers on upside down as an easy way to move it around. I don't think I would run it with them up although it would be a fun way to wake the neighbors.Onward Through The Fog!
03-28-2010 01:16 PM #14
I realize this is a commercial test stand, but an enterprising rodder could probably use some of the features on it in the design of his own., Freedom isn't Free, thousands have paid the price so you can enjoy what you have today.
Duct tape is like 'The Force.' It has a light side and a dark side, and it holds the universe together.
03-28-2010 01:32 PM #15
This is a Camaro clip pretty much the same as the Nova. Anyway just to give you an idea, my trans is still mounted to the engine, and I have the cross member also. It would be nice to have casters on the rear with the wheels up front to move it around. (I copied the image from a Hot Rod article.)
Camaro -clip.jpg
You're welcome Mike, glad it worked out for you. Roger, it's taken a few years but my inventory of excess parts has shrunk a fair bit from 1 1/2 garage stalls to about an eight by eight space. ...
1968 Plymouth Valiant 1st Gen HEMI