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Thread: Test run egine stand

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    stinkydidit's Avatar
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    Test run egine stand


    My son and I were talking, we should try to run the engine befor setting it in the car, well I'v seen guys run them on engine stands, but it don't look to safe, so we will have to pull the front clip apart down the road anyway, lets do it when the engine is finished, set it in there:---BUT----dad we won't have a trans for some time he said lets make some kind of a tail wheel we can bolt on to the bellhouse, something like an airplane has then we can run it, and still roll the car around, it might work
    The wife has me on a diet patch, but I don't think its work'in, she said you have that thing on right? said, ya, on my arm. She said, dumb ass, it go's over your mouth!

  2. #2
    '23T-Pail is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    MY run in stand is mobil, has 4 caster wheels on it, a battery box, radiator, and a tranny, along with headers and long rubber tubes to direct the smoke and noise outside.. cost about 10 bux to build..
    Last edited by mrmustang; 03-28-2010 at 03:57 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by '23T-Pail View Post
    MY run in stand is mobil, has 4 caster wheels on it, a battery box, radiator, and a tranny, along with headers and long rubber tubes to direct the smoke and noise outside.. cost about 10 bux to build..
    Sent you a PM and I've removed the far off topic part of this post. Let's try to keep this thread on topic. If you have any other issues, start a new thread in the lounge.

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    ChryslerRodder's Avatar
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    I work in the engineering dept at a near by hospital and have access to discarded item quite often. I made my stand from a supply cart base. It has brakes and a lock steering function. I don't have the radiator frame completed yet. I do crank the engine over till oil pressure is up to keep it lubed. I put the headers on upside down as an easy way to move it around. I don't think I would run it with them up although it would be a fun way to wake the neighbors.
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    RestoRod's Avatar
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    I realize this is a commercial test stand, but an enterprising rodder could probably use some of the features on it in the design of his own.

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  6. #6
    ford2custom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RestoRod View Post
    I realize this is a commercial test stand, but an enterprising rodder could probably use some of the features on it in the design of his own.

    What car guy wouldn't love to have one of those?


  7. #7
    stinkydidit's Avatar
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    I think I could build this I'm just jammed for space, I'm not a welder but some times that little lincoln 135 is good to me, see my work on youtube type in BADDAZZ TABLES has to be caps and has to have the space then click on the black screen.
    The wife has me on a diet patch, but I don't think its work'in, she said you have that thing on right? said, ya, on my arm. She said, dumb ass, it go's over your mouth!

  8. #8
    tango's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChryslerRodder View Post
    I work in the engineering dept at a near by hospital and have access to discarded item quite often. I made my stand from a supply cart base. It has brakes and a lock steering function. I don't have the radiator frame completed yet. I do crank the engine over till oil pressure is up to keep it lubed. I put the headers on upside down as an easy way to move it around. I don't think I would run it with them up although it would be a fun way to wake the neighbors.
    That Test stand that you made is a Lot Like the one I have . I do Like the Smaller compact size that they are . I think you can Flip your Headers around and they will clear the stand . And you can add a Bolt on Front extension to your stand for a Radiator . I had to use a set of shorty Headers and Make the Pipes . Recently I bought the Mufflers that I run a Carrage Bolt through the Exhaust Pipe for Quick Hook up's . But if anyone wants to build one Like this use good Large H.D Wheels . When moving them around you can hit a Crack in the walk and they will want to tip . wake the neighbors I did that when I broke in my Camshaft on my 355 with open Headers .

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    HOSS429's Avatar
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    when i worked at the salvage yard a thousand years ago we cranked many an engine on the ground .. but they had the trans on mostly ..
    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  10. #10
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    I built this one from an old metal cart . I am using a 1958 Chevy 283 Radiator .

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    i have an old camaro clip.

  12. #12
    ford2custom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shine View Post
    i have an old camaro clip.
    Thanks for the tip shine, I have a 305 out of a 76 Nova on the garage floor, and I still have the front clip. I have some big casters that I could put on the rear frame rails to move it around. Thanks for the idea, that's better then building one; I never would have thought of using it to sit the engine in to try to start it. It would be a good way to paint it also. I know the engine ran when I took it out years ago, and I want to put it in a 50 Ford just to have an engine in the car to get a few more dollars when I try to sell it.


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    Wow; Tango now I feel bad I didn't get a picture of the one I built for my friends machine shop. It looks close to yours but in the back of the engine I had a plate
    that would slide up or down for differant engines. Also where the motor mounts are
    I had built a box around the side of the frame to slid forward or back put some tabs on that with swinging arms to go in or out. It worked out real nice my buddy sure likes it.
    I'll have to go get a photo of it.
    23'T Pail; Where did that come from??? I'm not saying your not right, I was just wondering what brought that up on this thread??? I don't know anything about this person or his site's.Seem's to me if he is posting photo's of people on other sites with out thier permission that he could be sued, Right.

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    '23T-Pail is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by vara4 View Post
    23'T Pail; Where did that come from??? I'm not saying your not right, I was just wondering what brought that up on this thread??? I don't know anything about this person or his site's.Seem's to me if he is posting photo's of people on other sites with out thier permission that he could be sued, Right.
    It was the advertising right above where I was going to reply to the post, Kurt, and I was wondering why Brent would stoop so low as to accept advertising from that Jerk Markus that runs it!!

  15. #15
    lotsatoys's Avatar
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    I like to have a lot of wires on my test stands. wires make any engine go faster. wires look cool. wires have sex apeal. ya.. give me lots of wires.

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