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Thread: 454 oil pressure problems

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  1. #1
    68c10 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    454 oil pressure problems


    ok so im pretty new to carb fed engines, i have a 454 bored over 30 with maybe 1000 miles on her, earlier today she was running great, i just went to the grocery store and right off the bat it wasnt really building oil pressure, i had to hold the gas pedal all the way down for a second just top get it started and it sounded really rough and would lose oil pressure and die if i let off the gas at all, then while driving up the road it sounded kinda like a tapping noise, not like a rod knock just a real slight tapping, im thinkin the oil pump or the head gaskets but like i said im new to carb engines any and all help would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    sfort's Avatar
    sfort is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 46 Chevy Truck

    Not an expert


    But without oil pressure you should hear more than a little tic going down the road. I think the lack of oil pressure is due to not being able to keep the RPM's up. Could be Murphy's Law and you got something in the gas or fuel filter is clogged. You say the engine only has 1000 miles on it. What type of cam is in it? Flat tappet or roller? Could your disti. have moved?

  3. #3
    68c10 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Jul 2010

    yeah i got it worked out, took the air filter off to look at the carb and the choke was stuck closed, opened it up and it ran like a champ

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