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Thread: Engine storing

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  1. #1
    flanker1970 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 1972 monte carlo 402

    Engine storing


    Just pulled the engine out of my monte and probably will not put in back in for some time. Does anyone have any long term storing ideas? It is a 402 with about 3,000 miles on a rebuild. It has a mild crane flat tappet cam. I was thinking that loosening the rockers would be a good idea for the springs. What about the carb? I have a rochester that jet performance rebuilt and it ran perfectly. I hate to think of what this urine we call gasoline will do if i had left it in. The fuel was drained out so i've been told to put mineral spirits in the fuel bowl. Anybody want to weigh in? thanks

  2. #2
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
    Itoldyouso is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    When we stored boats for an extended layup we ran a heavy dose of fuel stabilizer during the final run of the engine so that the fuel/stabilizer mix got sucked into the carb bowls. We also "fogged" the engine with fogging oil during that last run so that the cylinder walls were coated and would resist being rusted. We also changed the oil and filter, and sprayed the entire outside of the engine with something like WD 40, Corrosion Guard, or CRC 666.

    If the engine you are going to store is only being laid up for a year or less you probably wouldn't have to take the pressure off of the springs, but it sure wouldn't hurt.


  3. #3
    flanker1970 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    palm beach gardens
    Car Year, Make, Model: 1972 monte carlo 402

    thanks for the advise

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