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Thread: 468 build questions

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    slammed84's Avatar
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    Mar 2010

    468 build questions


    After conversing with Pat, i have come to the realization that my 468 will only check in around 9:1 at best. Original plan was to run the pistons that came with the 454 ( flat tops) .060 over block, zero decked with a .0039 gasket, 781 heads milled to 110cc's, stock crank and rods. This combo checks in just under 9:1 according to Summits CR Calculator. Keith Black sells a set of Hyper's with a -17cc dome for around $300 bucks ( good buy?). With just the change of piston it checks in at 10.35:1, sounds better right? Will I be okay on piston to head clearance, and will I still have a good Quench? I want to build this motor right the first time and I am def. going roller no matter what. Needs to run on 91 pump gas ( Oklahoma Crap, no 93 octane!!) looking for 500+ lbs throughout rpm range of like 2000-5000+. Don't really care about horses but would like to see at least 450. Any cam recommendations?? Was thinking of staying under .600 lift. What do you guys think? Would love to hear all Input, maybe Pat has some goodies he wants to get rid of? As of right now nothing has been done to anything, block is bored but pistons still sit .050 in the hole!! hasn't been decked and the heads cc'd at 110, installed 2.19/1.88 valves, no porting or gasket match.
    Last edited by slammed84; 11-14-2010 at 08:42 PM.
    the reptilian brain is now the one involved

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