Quote Originally Posted by slammed84 View Post
yes this is a street truck and will see some track duties as well. I haven't got a converter yet but am planning on getting around a 2500-3000 stall. with the weight of my truck I imagine it will actually stall a little lower but as long as its better than stock and affordable its cool with me, i dont have the $ to spend 400-500 dollars on a torque converter. As for Erson, I can't really find any info about them, every time I try to go to their web-site its not theirs!! So if you have a link to a good website send it my way
there on free lunch on torque converter buy cheap junk you end up with junk and less money . as for Erson i have been a dealer thru them for some time .try looking thru PBM /EPW .www.pbm-erson.com