Pro Comp Roller Rockers....anyone have any input on them?
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Pro Comp Roller Rockers....anyone have any input on them?
waiting for Comp cams to be delivered now.. used them several times no problems
I have heard both good and very bad about All Pro-Comp products. Some of there stuff is Chinese made, maybe all of it. Price is cheap in comparision to others, sometimes you get what you pay for.
Ya there cheap thats what kinda scares me away from them....
I've bought some of their stuff. I have a set of sbc heads that I bought that had stainless intake valves. One of the valves broke at the o-ring grove. Fortunately it was at idle. I suspect they were pro comp. I replaced the one valve with a nos Manley, I was paranoid for 6 months, but all is ok. It may not have been a Chinese valve, and it may have just been a defect, it does happen in even the best parts. I'm pretty sure I'd shy away from their rollers in a race motor. A streeter that just gets goosed occasionally I might take a chance. I'd look em over real good though before you install them. Now days I don't trust any parts no mater the brand name. You never know, they are changing source to off shore everyday.
i will not use much of there stuff as my name is on every engine i build so i buy better rollers . do not kid your self all there stuff is made in china. now that in it,s self is not bad. but even china has ok /good useable ?? then so cheap its junk. you can buy crane builders .or i used scorpion/howards same rocker buy the one at the best deal,and harland sharps less then $70. more for better rockers that $4.37 a rocker for better rockers .i do not know any one that has used there rockers for street they may work but when you play the low buck game you have to know if the geometry is right ? if not your wasting money on stuff you will not see with valve covers on .on the valve i did hear manley did sell there OEM ... line of valves may be B.S i never used there cheap valves but there were some guys around hear that snap many a valve at the O ring groove . most all my builds i used stock valves Sbi. race valves . PEP. PBm. manley . delwest have used Rev .howards extreme Black . others ... never lost a valve hope i never do:eek:
Never heard anyone say anything good about them. You get what you pay for. I don't mean for that to sound snotty either. The way I operate is that if I can't buy the best stuff today, I save up until I have enough money to do it.
CompCams has some new chromoly rockers, check 'em out....
i would never use them.
all roads lead to the oil pan ...there are many ways to get there:eek: when the roller needle bearings fall out of the roller rockers . you do know the BBC has great drain back
Friend of mine has an interesting thought on Pro Comp roller rockers. His opinion is that if you can get by using something that cheap, you probably don't really need roller rockers anyway.....
Man you guys got me thinking I spoke out of turn I got my Comp cams rockers today Summit raceing I just looked at COMP never heard of pro-comp.I've used comp cams for a lot of years no trouble
Pat, the Manley valve I used was new old stock. Not sure what the valves were in the heads I got. Based on what I saw of the springs and the way they were shimmed, the valve guide that was too long, keeper hit top of seal, I'm pretty sure this guy just got the cheapest stainless valves he could get, when I looked the pro comp were the cheapest. I put some Manley exhaust valves in, and replaced the springs with known ones, re shimmed and checked valve train geometry, I figured I'd trust the valves. It's a street motor, and I don't really rev it much anyway. And the way those heads were set up that valve may have been cracked when I got them. I looked em all over, but may have been damaged and didn't show. Most of whats in my engine is overkill. I probably could get by with a stock motor. I guess I'm just getting old........... I do remember dropping one on a really hot sbc in the traps.......ouch it didn't knock a hole in those pop ups but it made a mess of the piston head and gave the combustion chamber in those air flow research heads that freshly chewed look.....:D
ok i was thinking you said NOS stock oem manley valve.. there was a bad run 10 years ago or so guy were busting them .deal with ss valves is that many come from the same place just a re box deal .the price on most is very good on stock valves i do not clean and re grind them .i just buy new on OEM stuff . i have a hill climber.drag car .sand drag. that we used delwest titanium valves .locks . retainers. that stuff is very nice $$$$ i do re face them valves at a $120. each:eek: use a green wheel on the valve grinded to grind that stuff is tuff
I used them once.
What do you think happened to my motor when the rocker broke in half at the trunion, pushrod came off the lifter- lifter came out of bore at 6,000 rpm?
Yea- that was a great deal.
I have a band new set pro comp roller rockers, still in the box, will take best offer? Im going over to comp cams.
Personally, anything that says "ProComp" on it gets a thumbs down from me. Many yearns ago when the brand first started showing up in some parts dealers, I thought "oh, goody, more reasonably priced things"; then I started really looking at the stuff: it was all poorly finished literal copies of items that were designed and originally made in the USA by reputable companies like Weiand, Edelbrock, etc. I think they must have used an original to make their molds with; but if you put an original Edelbrock valve cover along side of a ProComp that looked just like it, you could see the similarities, AND the differences. At that point, ProComp went from inexpensive to cheap in my estimation. Sure, it looks like the real deal, but - - - - - ????