Quote Originally Posted by Enigma View Post
Sapulpa is essentially Tulsa. Did you guys not read his original post? "bought an engine, don't know much about it, trying to learn, had a dominator and single plane, swapped it to bg and air gap". In the video, it sounds fine. Albeit a little choppy for a streeter. I'm guessing that cam is in the 260-270 at .050 range on a tight center. Some things to consider: the Barry grant line of carbs are "wet flowed". So an 850 mighty demon (with downleg boosters) is flowing around 1000 cfm by hollys standards. My mighty demon with annulars is around 875-900 depending on the engine. If it has the idle ease it can't be more than 3-4 years old, but it's still a used carb. And demons suck at best. The tune sucks, the ability to hold that tune sucks. At any point, the sealant used inside gives up and that creates all sorts of issues. Borrow a known 4150 carb and try it to eliminate that possibility. Get a base-line tune going. You don't need to lock the timing, but check it slowly from idle to 3 grand or so to make sure it doesn't fluctuate. Put a vacuum gauge on it and watch it while checking timing. Does it hold steady or bounce around? Does the new intake match the head ports? Take the 4500 intake to a machine shop to make sure it wasn't cut to match heavily surfaced heads. If it was, your new one should be cut as well. You really need to know what cam is in it to tune it correctly. For the price of a water pump gasket and timing cover gasket.....I'd check it out. 175 cranking pressure sounds about right with that cam being so choppy. I'd say that demon is most of your problem. Those things are notorious for running perfect forever, then just losing their tune and falling apart out of the blue. Seems like you're putting a few dollars into the t/a.......I'd pull that engine, disassemble it, and check everything before I'd gamble on an unknown. At worst....it'll cost a few bucks for gaskets rings and bearings......at best, it could save you a fortune by spotting an inside problem right now. Either way.....you'd know what you have.
well your late for the show??? yep i will say he as not ideal what he has . in his first post flat top 427? then said 850 with a air gap OK . then ask us to look at vid ... engine had a 4500 carb on it ... how did we or i will say I did know what he had on it now . who knows some new guy buys a engine and some guy tell him he has a older BG 850 on it when it was a 4500 like that stuff never happens? first post should of said i have a427 that i just took off a 4500 carb and intake .i used a air gap intake with a BG 850 ?