hello all, i have a 78-79ish 454 block thats bored .060 and needs to go .080 at least to clean up. is it safe to bore this block that far? should i pay to have it sonic checked or just find another block and start over? thx steevo
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hello all, i have a 78-79ish 454 block thats bored .060 and needs to go .080 at least to clean up. is it safe to bore this block that far? should i pay to have it sonic checked or just find another block and start over? thx steevo
well most bbc walls are very thick .so your cutting the block 010 +a side past 060 so thats not much but your starting to get were you may want to get this block sonic checked .it s far from throwing it away so getting it checked may not be a bad ideal . if race only i do a short fill and keep going. many times is is hard to tell with out a clean up cut on the boring bar how much it needs . if walls have rust pits it can be a bitch try to stay away from rusty blocks if a customers block i tell them it could need a sleeve or two if water has sat in the bores