Originally posted by catsasswiring
My opinion of your heating problem is a fuel/air issue. You need to make sure you have the right sized carburetor for the engine.
If engine runs lean it runs hotter. If carb. is correct, next you need to make sure the fuel/air adjustments at all four corners are set correctly. This is done by placing engine on diagnostic analyzer. Adjust air/fuel screws one at a time to obtain maximum vacuum, then go to next screw. This may take a few rounds to get them set identical. make sure you do not have any vacuum leaks on engine. Also, is carb. vacuum or mechanical secondary's. A big block with high HP, depending on cam shaft, will not have sufficient vacuum to open secondary's, that will again cause lean condition. A Dominator or Holley is the best carb. to use.
This is from experience!
Good luck,