Well, gee whiz!!!! Now we find out that all you would have had to do is get a set of them store bought CNC'd heads and you would have run faster!!!!! Some guy on the internet said so, so it must be the truth, right?????????????:LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:;)
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If allowed to run out the back door---now your starting to realize what I'm sayin-----to run faster than anyone else,you run it out the back door---sorry, but I never did any of that index type stuff---
Yeah Jerry-we do run faster than anyone else.......it just where it happens.LOL
It's sad these fan club "likes". Really kind of childishness.
Kind of forced to run a breakout class or brackets these days to race locally... Not enough money to go run a Pro Class, so if we want to race around here breakout's and indexes are the only game in town... Sure is fun to get in a grudge race or the occasional heads up gambler's race once in awhile. If it was all "run what ya brung, and hope ya brung enough" I'm afraid it'd just come down to the biggest checkbook wins...
Oh yeah, and still fun to occasionally go out and play on a Saturday night---no tech lines, no scales, no breakouts---just look out for the cops!!!!!!:LOL::LOL::LOL:
I know I said I was done, but I just gotta ask. Exactly who is "We", Gary?? You keep mentioning this mysterious partner, and that you've run faster than everyone else for the last 50 years, but it seems it's just been words? Can you post some pictures of the cars, or load up your gallery? Do I recall you mentioned owning or being "partners" in a top fuel rail? Can we see it? What's the car you're bracket racing now? Can we see it? Pleeeeeeze, Gary??? Just sayin', a picture's worth a thousand words, and we're a bunch of pictures shy.
I already did once in violation of my partnership agreement.
Really?? :confused: You did that here on CHR??:confused: Golly, I don't recall that, but if you say so I'm sure it's true. ;) Must have been when I was on vacation or something. OK, guess we'll just have to believe everything's on the up and up... :o So can you maybe post some records showing your name on a track web site, or maybe at NHRA.com? Anything that does not violate your confidentiality agreement?? Probably not, huh? Those confidentiality agreements can be a bitch!!
Boys, if you can't play nice I'll put you both in a time out for the evening so you can calm down.
I won't give another warning. :mad:
Walk away from this thread.
Bill S.
Hand ported heads and they were from a junk yard
Great stuff Jerry!!!! The funny in the top picture, is that a Pinto body??? If so, you wouldn't have an extra laying around anymore, would you????:LOL::LOL::LOL:
The bottom pic is my favorite though!!!!! Takes a good Ford pickup to get the show on the road, huh?????:LOL::LOL:
Anyway, really kewl!!! No throttle stops, no delay boxes, no nothing! Just run whatcha brung!!!! Life used to be soooooooo much easier!!! Thanks for reminding us!!!!
That bottom ford truck is Don The Snake's--That night the guys were using Ramseys Merc wagon to push the car--my truck was in the pits--
Yes thats a Pinto--These three pictures were just sent to me and basiclly I'm just playing trying to fiqure out how to post pics--If you notice the spoiler on the pinto--we had lots of aero problems so I went to the fiberglas shop/painters--looked at the Mopar funny bodies that were running good--had the spoiler built to add the tail end profile of the Mopars to the Pinto, Cut out the tail lites and built a louvered back window with holesawed holes under the louvers to vent the inside air--then it worked!!!!and shortly thereafter someone came out with those louvers for the back windows of cars--
In the rear engine car pic, you can make out the SuranWrap?GladWrap? on the ends of the rear wing that we used during the burnouts and then tore off before the run--kept it not only cleaner but several lbs lighter by the time a race was over from the build up of burnout/tire goop!!!
Great information, Jerry!!!! Hope you're getting all this racing history written down somewhere, sure would make for good reading when folks are trying to remember how things really were!!!! Back then nobody had access to wind tunnels, just had to figure it out! You guys had something of an advantage there being in the flying biz you were aware of what the air could do for you---and against you!!!!
We used to play with cowl induction in the mid 60's, though quite by accident!!! We were running a '57 Ford with a bad hood latch. Banging second gear would occasionally undo the latch and allow the hood to pop up to where the safety catch would hold it---and for some reason the car ran faster on those passes!!!! I remember Dad saying that it must have something to do with that cold air getting into the carb air horn somehow....We had no idea that the base of the windshield was a low pressure area and it would draw air into the carb, we just knew it made the car faster!!!!
Neat trick with the Saran Wrap on the wing tips! Definitely know what you mean on the extra weight! One night while racing a Super Mod on dirt, we put all the mud we scraped off the car after the heat race into a bucket---dang thing was HEAVY!!!! Some people even asked why we wasted time trying to "clean" the car between the heat and the feature seeing as how it was just going to get dirty again anyway!!!!! Dad told everybody that's why they let me drive the car, I was the lightest!!!
Jerry, thanks for sharing those awesome pics! While I grew up on the right coast, I just about lived to see the magazines for shots like those! Thanks again for the pics and also the memories!