arp studs will work part number 1701 is a hair longer then stock GM bbc stud s and fords mosty used Gms and arps both on iron head BBC past 700 lift with 100 longer valves with a 1900.1950 step up on springs.all of rocker ilisted will work Crane golds . Crane builders. Cam Dynamcis . Crower. Harland sharps. Pbm/Howards/ Scopions .Comps .Lunati..Yella Terras as for stud over all and bottom top size both ARP and Manley list rocker studs i sell both but as well as other. i buy mosty ARP has other are rebox ARP or taiwan made studs .taiwan makes alot of retainers and lock /keepers guid plates .you have to watch some of this stuff
They sold me 135-7101 arp studs. I called today and arp lists 100-7101 for use with roller rockers,they are going to exchange mine.
How about spark plugs for this big block , any suggestions? New studs installed and all is well. Just a few more things and should be ready to fire it up.