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Thread: 454 in 48 Chevy?

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  1. #1
    BigOAnderson is offline CHR Junior sMember Visit my Photo Gallery
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    454 in 48 Chevy?


    Hi guys, I have 1948 chevy that I'm planning on making into a hot rod. My original plan was to just slap a 350 into it and call it a day. However, the new plan is to sacrifice my s10 and use the frame because they have the same wheelbase. I have a chance at a 1971 ls5 that I'm really tempted to put that into the 48 instead. Would the 454 fit in the s10 frame with minimal fab work? Or also I have a caddy 472 that I could put in it as well. Does anyone have an experience with these engines and s10 frames? Also, I want to find a 4 speed transmission I can use that won't break the bank, does anyone have any recommendations of what I can use? I was thinking a saginaw... Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    jerry clayton's Avatar
    jerry clayton is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    If doing that major of a swap I would suggest using a newer type trans with a OD 5th gear----I think these are available even in the S10 vehicles so mounts, linkage,tunnel clearance, shifter would be a non-event------IIRC the Caddy alternator mount is on top center in front of the carb so that would also help in the clearance issues-----

  3. #3
    Mike P's Avatar
    Mike P is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    There is a guy over on the Caddy Forum that has a 472 in a 53, believe he is using stock frame, but a nice fit.

    Cadillac Power Forum • View topic - Josie 1953 chevy w/ 472

    The old cast iron Saginaw transmissions were classified as a light/medium duty transmission (depending on the model). I've seen to many break behind small blocks to ever consider putting one behind a 454 or Caddy engine. I agree with Jerry about a 5 speed but do some reading on them first, even the World Class T5s were only rated for something like 300-350 Ft Lbs of torque (and you're looking at 500 Ft Lbs with either of the engines you're contemplating).

    Jerry's thinking of the mounting for the AC compressor in the top center of the intake.......but it probably wouldn't take to much to remount the Alternator there if desired/needed.

    By the way, welcome.

    I've NEVER seen a car come from the factory that couldn't be improved.....

  4. #4
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    Go to google images, type in ........ 454 swap into S10...... You'll get photos of engine swaps. Click on a picture, then click on.....visit page....to see the story. Here's one that shows how they put headers on the motor, plus set it up for turbos later.....
    Lime Dime: 427 Big Block | Engine Power | PowerNation TV - Full Episodes


  5. #5
    BigOAnderson is offline CHR Junior sMember Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thanks guys I'll pull the cab and bed off the s10 and mock up the engine(s) to see what I have to work with and what I'll have to modify, I have a small budget (around 2 grand) so itll just be basic until I get more money to improve it. I'm not planning on going to the drag strip or anything,I just want a car that I can cruise around town with and have fun with. I might just go with a th400 for now because I have one laying around and to save some money.
    Last edited by BigOAnderson; 05-13-2016 at 12:08 PM.

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