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Thread: New to me BBC

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  1. #1
    plow's Avatar
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    New to me BBC


    I did some swapping for an 85ish C20 with a 454. The guy said it ran several years ago when it was on the road. It didn't have a carb on it and Squirrels made a nest in the intake. Pulled the intake hoping I wouldn't have to pull the heads.......No dice. Pulled the heads and clean the acorns and other stuff out. Upon inspecting it, this thing looks like its had very little run time on it. I can still see cross hatches on the cylinder walls and the heads look clean as a whistle. GREAT! I don't usually get a deal.

    So now I'm thinking this thing looks too good to be true. Somethings gotta be wrong. Why would someone take this thing off the road, or at least not pull the motor to put in something else.

    Anyway, I buy a full gasket set, new fuel pump, Q-jet carb, distributor coil and cap, plug wires, oil priming tool etc. Now just need some time to put it together.

    Problem...........Nephew didn't drain the coolant when he pulled the heads so coolant went down the galley and sat for a couple months. I drained the oil and coolant (it has a mini starter and hi cap oil pan btw.)

    Now instead of putting it back together in the truck and trying to start it, I think I may need to pull it and inspect it. Could the coolant have messed something up? I have to pull it eventually as its going to power a '42 ford truck, but I don't have an engine stand that I trust (I have a cheap HF stand) to hang it from. What do y'all think?
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  2. #2
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    Well, first of all, you need to find out what you have. It could be any of the following:
    366 CID tall deck truck motor (small bore (3.935"), pretty much worthless except for scrap iron value unless you need to power up a school bus or dump truck Not much of a base to begin a performance build. (Maybe save the 3.76" steel crank for a 396, 402 or 427 build)
    427 CID tall deck truck motor
    396 CID short deck
    402 CID short deck
    427 CID short deck
    454 CID short deck
    Check the casting number on the rear of the block, driver's side....
    and a head casting number under the valve cover.

    A quick visual is to look at the water pump inlet runners and where they come into the block. Short deck engines, the top water pump bolt hole to the block is at the deck.
    Tall deck blocks have the block deck 3/4 inch higher than the top of the water pump bolt hole.
    Here's a tall deck block.....
    Here's a short deck block....

    Last edited by techinspector1; 03-04-2016 at 09:25 AM.

  3. #3
    Scooting's Avatar
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    BBC 454 is about 750lbs complete. Harbor Freight's lightest stand is rated for 750. Just be careful and you will be fine.

  4. #4
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    Weld in a couple of pieces of water pipe to shore it up.


  5. #5
    plow's Avatar
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    Thanks guys. I'll check it this weekend.
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  6. #6
    plow's Avatar
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    Yeah, I don't need a screamer. It's going in a '42 Ford ton an a half. I'm using the Chevy as a donor for the motor, front and rear suspension, an whatever else I may need. I have an odd manual tranny, I THINK its a NV4500. However, the limited research I've done, I've only seen it as a 5 speed. Mine is a 6 speed.
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  7. #7
    rspears's Avatar
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    You can get a 1000# stand from Harbor Freight for $60, or a 2000# stand for $135. Print off a 20% Off Coupon and you can't beat the price. Search results for: 'engine stand'
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  8. #8
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by plow View Post
    I have an odd manual tranny, I THINK its a NV4500. However, the limited research I've done, I've only seen it as a 5 speed. Mine is a 6 speed.
    If you have a 6-speed, it's likely a ZF S6-650. That is one tough hunk of iron.


  9. #9
    plow's Avatar
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    Googled that and that aint it. I'll get pics of it while I'm at it.
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  10. #10
    plow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    You can get a 1000# stand from Harbor Freight for $60, or a 2000# stand for $135. Print off a 20% Off Coupon and you can't beat the price. Search results for: 'engine stand'

    Yep. I'll go that way when my money gets right. Had to pay a surveyor, Truck note and the house note this month. Its been bread and water for my lately. Last night the wife and I splurged for supper. We had Helper Helper.
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    rspears's Avatar
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    If you have a 6 spd it's not a NV4500, which is a 5speed only ( The Novak Guide to the NV4500 Transmission ). How about a TR6060 - TR6060: 6-Speed Manual Transmission | Chevrolet - looks similar to the NV4500.
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  12. #12
    Matthyj's Avatar
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    I built a leg to go under the balancer to the front brace on my 1000 lb engine stand when holding my hemi, I know its says 1000 lbs but I always wondered if chinese lbs where the same as ours as that hemi is to heavy for me to take a chance! (I just wanted to make sure there conversion calculator didn't have a error, I know they use kilos)
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  13. #13
    plow's Avatar
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    OK! It IS a 5 speed. I guess I'm getting old.

    The block is a short deck. Casting # on the block is 140154445.

    The casting # on the heads are 346236, the last 6 may be an 8. It also has GM 3T cast in them.

    If their was any doubt before, I'm almost certain I have to take it down as the humidity here has caused surface rust on the cam lobes.

    Here's some pics...............

    Me wondering what the hell did I get myself into.

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  14. #14
    plow's Avatar
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    And just for clarification, This is a Chevy bell housing right?

    I need to go to the wrecking yard and get the hydraulic set up for it. it has a "granny gear" and OD. I guess that is why I was thinking it was a 6 speed.
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  15. #15
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
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    I think the block number you posted has too many 4's.
    Check to see if it isn't 14015445. 14015445, 454, 78-90, 2 or 4 bolt

    The heads appear to be 346236, 75-87, oval, OPEN, 454, 120cc chamber, 225/116cc ports
    I believe those are the so-called "peanut port heads" with large open chambers. Compression ratio with a flat-top piston should be 8:1 or so.

    I'm really a bit out of my depth here, but that's what I was able to find.

    Gone to Texas

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