Thread: New 496 wont run??
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04-15-2020 01:28 PM #32
Ok so I did go and get a spark tester and with it installed and just turning the distributor I had it light up. I got in contact with the engine company to find out my plug gaps and timing again. They told me the plug gaps should be .35, the new ones I got were not that gap they were much smaller. So I gapped them all to .35. They also told me the timing should be 12 initial and 36 total.
So with all the plugs out I put a little bit of oil down all the cylinders in case of wash down, I then pulled bank 1's valve cover off and watched the intake valve one cylinder one open and close and then set the crank pully on 0 degree's. Looked at my rotor and it was pretty much pointing to number one cylinder. I marked the housing for the rotor location and put the cap on and put number one at the mark on the dist. I cranked the motor over a few times to let the oil in the cylinders move around, put all the plugs back in, and exchanged the oil.
I pulled the carb off and went through it I set both primary and secondary throttle plates so you can just barely start to see the idle circuit groove. I exchanged the power valve from a 6.5 to a 3.5 even though everything I read told me that that will not effect idle. I set the idle mixture screws to only 1/2 turn out from stop to start. I re-installed everything and I am going to flush the fuel system and ensure I have fresh fuel in it and attempt to start it this weekend. If you guys can think of anything I might have missed please let me know.
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