ive been trying to get my car going for a while. I have a 68 chevelle that ive been working on for a while. I bought a 396 for it ang have been buliding it little by little. I asked a guy i know about what cam i should get for my car and he told me i could use any cam and if I wanted it to lope real good comp cams 305s wood be good. So i listened to him. I purchesed a 3200 stall and 3.90 gear rearend. I am now told by the mechanic that is helping me that the cam is way to big. I dont think i can return it because well i already put it in the motor. will this be a mistake going aahead and running it with that cam. the motor has 10.25:1 compression and i am using hedders and and a performer rpm. this cam will be used maybe every other saturday.