I don't know what's going on with this engine but somethings not right. The machine shop you brought it to for cam removal must not be the same machine shop that built the engine. What happened to the engine from the start? Why did the cam gall up? If the engine only had 200 miles on it and it had that kind of problem with the cam, it must have been some serious oiling problems or extreme dirt problems. No engines will make it under those extremeties. Find out why the cam galled and that will point out why the walls are shot. Whomever built the engine should be liable for the repair cost. Short rod 400s do egg shape the cylinders but not in 200 miles. I ran a short rod 383 for 4 hard years on the street and then sold it to a friend who re-ringed it and ran it for another 3 years on the street before cracking the stock 400 crank. You got to get to the root of your problem before you sink anymore money in this engine.:confused: