Thread: 400 chev or 383?
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07-18-2005 04:22 PM #1
400 chev or 383?
I'm at my wits end...I pulled my 400 chev out and brought it to the machine shop because the cam wouldn't come out. Got the cam out and installed new cam bearings. The machine shop asked how many miles were on this motor and I replied 200 miles. They said by the look of the cylinder walls it looks as though it had a ton of nitrous run through it. Which it hasn't. Supposedley the walls are scuffed pretty good and the engine will not last past 10,000 more miles. They said they could put it back together but wouldn't recommend it if I wanted it to last.
So here I am back at square one again. I'm thinking of maybe just getting a short block 383 or 400 and use my aluminum heads just to get back on the road again. I've contacted some engine companies to get a price on short blocks and heres what I cam up with.
Stock 355 chev 750.00 w/ 1 year warranty
stock 400 chev 875.00 w/ 1 year warranty
383 chev..........1700.00 w/ 1 year warranty
I think that price on the 383 is high. All i want is a strong small block that runs on pump gas and 425-450HP Is that to much to ask these days? I've had terrible luck. I'm probably in 4500.00 buck for the last 400 chev that is supposedley junk now. What would you guys do? This engine will go into my 79 10th anniversary trans am w/3.42 rear gears-th350 tranny-2300stall-1 5/8" headers-edelbrock 488/510 camshaft-2 1/2" exhaust. Anyone ever had this bad of luck? Any insight would be great....Gas Grass Or Ass-Nobody rides for free!!!
You're welcome Mike, glad it worked out for you. Roger, it's taken a few years but my inventory of excess parts has shrunk a fair bit from 1 1/2 garage stalls to about an eight by eight space. ...
1968 Plymouth Valiant 1st Gen HEMI