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Thread: Electric Fuel Pump

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  1. #1
    guilld is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Electric Fuel Pump


    We just got our 32 coupe running and have been doing shake down runs. I put a fuel cell in the trunk and a Summit electric fuel pump with pressure regulator, relay and circuit breaker. I have at least 3 inches of plywood, foam, sound deading, and insulation between the trunk and the cab.

    It sounds like I am making home made ice cream and after running the fuel pump is almost too hot to hold you hand on.

    Is this normal?????????????

  2. #2
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
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    Did you insulate the fuel pump from the frame with some rubber pads? If not, it will sound like a food processor. They do run pretty hot. Which Summit pump do you have, and what pressure are you trying to run?

    I think Summit pumps are Holley clones. Holley pumps sound like they are grinding walnuts . . . or pea gravel. My brand new Holley red pump didn't make it past the first week. It got hot and went out on thermal overload. It left me stranded twice. I threw it in the trash and got an Edelbrock. It's much quieter.

    If you can hear your fuel pump, maybe your mufflers are too quiet.
    Last edited by Henry Rifle; 07-20-2008 at 04:32 PM.

    Gone to Texas

  3. #3
    mopar34's Avatar
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    I have Stewart Warner fuel pumps in both of my cars and both are relatively quiet when run and I don't notice any abnormal heat. The one in the 57, makea a clicking sound when it is pushing gas to the carbs, but once the carbs/lines are loaded it's whisper quiet. The one in the 34 doesn't click when loading, but it is a little noiser, probably due to location. The 57's is located between the gas tank and the rear bumper and the 34's is located on the frame near the rear wheel (a lot closer).

    Could be the Smithy's don't let the fuel pump's sound get noticed.

    I have a new spare unit and would like to find a couple more, since I don't see them advertised anymore for 12 volt systems. I have seen them for 6 volt systems.

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  4. #4
    Hotrod46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mopar34
    I have a new spare unit and would like to find a couple more, since I don't see them advertised anymore for 12 volt systems. I have seen them for 6 volt systems.

    Here's a link to the SW website. Summit lists the pumps.



    Sorry for the hijack.


  5. #5
    guilld is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Rifle
    Did you insulate the fuel pump from the frame with some rubber pads? If not, it will sound like a food processor. They do run pretty hot. Which Summit pump do you have, and what pressure are you trying to run?

    I think Summit pumps are Holley clones. Holley pumps sound like they are grinding walnuts . . . or pea gravel. My brand new Holley red pump didn't make it past the first week. It got hot and went out on thermal overload. It left me stranded twice. I threw it in the trash and got an Edelbrock. It's much quieter.

    If you can hear your fuel pump, maybe your mufflers are too quiet.
    The pump is not rubber mounted I may try that. The summit pump looks just like a Holley and who knows may be made by Holley. If I can't get it quietend down I may change to Eldebrock. The only thing I have this in the trunk with all stainless lines and I sure would hate to have to do over that.

  6. #6
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
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    I was able to mount the Edelbrock directly to my existing lines. If I remember correctly, it bolted right up. All I had to do was drill some extra holes in the frame. The mounting bracket was a little different.

    Gone to Texas

  7. #7
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    For some reason, some Holley or Summit pumps will be noisier than others. I had one in my Jeep that sounded like you describe..........people riding with me would ask " what is that compressor running?" At redlights I would see other drivers looking to see where the noise was coming from. Yet I have the same model in my '27 and in my current T, and they are much quieter. In fact, I have to listen carefully to make sure my electric pump is running before I fire up the engine in my '23. My Son has a Summit pump in his T and it is also quiet. Don't know why some are worse than others, but it happens.

    Rubber mounting does help, but the one in my Jeep had two thicknesses of rubber pads under it and the thing still rattled away.


  8. #8
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    I've always used some sort of exhaust pipe rubber hanger to mount electric pumps. It isolates the noise from the car pretty well. I did a search for a pic, but couldn't come up with the ones I used to buy (Pep Boys). Here's an example of what I'm talking about.....
    These are not exactly the ones I've used, but should be better than solid mounting or rubber pads between the pump and mount point.

    The other thing is, it sounds like you have the lines routed deadhead. The pump may run cooler and quieter if you run a return line with a regulator to set pressure at the carb inlet to around 5 1/2 lbs.

    Here's a cute little exhaust insulator I found at Jegs that might work well and look sanitary also......

  9. #9
    mopar34's Avatar
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    Thanks Mike.

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  10. #10
    29arod's Avatar
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    Cool Fuel pump noise


    I am using a GM pump part number 25115899 that pumps 72 gallons per hour at 6-8 psi outlet pressure. It comes with a rubber insulated mount and is still loud.


  11. #11
    DanM's Avatar
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    I've got a Carter electric pump feeding a carb and its quiet.

  12. #12
    guilld is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    It died!


    After a trip back from the Nats about 200 miles and a total of 900 miles the fuel pump has expired. I started to take the car out for a cruise today and noticed I could not here the pump and I checked the pressure and it was about 1 lb. It picked up but eventually quit. I would just change over to a mechanical but I mounted the A/C drier right in front of the block off plate.

    I guess I have to make a decision whether to go back electric ($$$$) or move the drier and go mechanical???

  13. #13
    rumrumm's Avatar
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    Danny--get yourself a Mallory or Carter electric fuel pump. Summit pumps are the same design as a Holley and you experienced the same problem I had with a Holley. I went with a Mallory because guys on another site recommended them and they are similar in size to a Holley so the change over was easy. My buddy has had a Carter pump in his rod for over ten years and it is still going.

    '32 3W

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