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Thread: Jacking car up

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  1. #1
    bucs012 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Jacking car up


    I assume I just use the front Pete and Jakes I Beam Axle to raise the front end?
    32 Ford
    Des Moines, Iowa
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  2. #2
    Deuce's Avatar
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    If you 32 sits as low as most of them ... you will need to drive the car up on a few boards ... nailed together ... to get get the jack under the front axle. If the car is a Hiboy ... ( no fenders or bumpers ) then a small set of ramps works well. Mine has bumpers and I cannot get on a set of ramps because the bumpers hit the ramp before the wheels do.

    Some of the ramps are not as tall and are longer than others. These kind works better with a 32 straight axle car.

    Going 33 and 1/3 rpms in a IPOD world

  3. #3
    John Palmer is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    If you looking for a reasonable priced "low jack" to carry in the car check out the Porsche Swap Meet area (at Pomona for example). Porsche cars come with a nice aluminum screw jack that is lightweight and also low. You will need to make a small plate for the top to fit against the axle. Usually see lots of them at $10-20.

  4. #4
    Steves32's Avatar
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    Anything else- it's AAA.

  5. #5
    Jim Standley's Avatar
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    Thumbs up


    Nice, were did you get it ?

  6. #6
    Steves32's Avatar
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    I have a low garage ceiling & this works great. I found mine used- a year old for about 1/2 the price of new- and local.

    Deuce's front fender will clear on this. I've had my friends full fendered 32 on it many times.
    Last edited by Steves32; 08-20-2008 at 09:03 PM.

  7. #7
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bucs012
    I assume I just use the front Pete and Jakes I Beam Axle to raise the front end?
    I kind of interpreted that you want to know if it is ok to put a jack under the axle itself to raise the car. If so, yes, it is where I jack up mine. I only have one floorjack that goes low enough to slide under mine, the rest are too tall. I just put a rag on top to protect the painted axle and lift it high enough to either put jackstands under the frame, or wheel ramps under the wheels.


  8. #8
    Offy is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itoldyouso
    I kind of interpreted that you want to know if it is ok to put a jack under the axle itself to raise the car. If so, yes, it is where I jack up mine. I only have one floorjack that goes low enough to slide under mine, the rest are too tall. I just put a rag on top to protect the painted axle and lift it high enough to either put jackstands under the frame, or wheel ramps under the wheels.

    I use the small Harbor Freight aluminum racing jack on my CE beam axel. I have about 3 1/2" between the axel and the ground and it slips in nicely with the removable cradle removed and a piece of carpet in it's place.

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