Great suggestions from both.
I am not sure of other rods (This is my first) but my body comes closest to my tire sidewall at the front of the rear tire where the body of the car comes out about another 1/2 inch more than it does at mid tire and about 1.5 inches further than it toes in the rear of the rear tire.
Here is a picture of what I am working with now with a 15x10 with 3.5 backspace and 13" of tire section. You can see the most rear part of the tire has much more gap from the body than the forward most part of the tire. I am about 4 inches at the rear, 3.5 inches at the top and about 3 inches towards the front.
My new tire will have 15.2 section, 15x12 rim and either 4.5 or 5.5 backspace.
Buc's, I have a little less than an inch at the closest spot. Which is also your closest spot. And it doesn't rub.... I like the 'look' of 'as close as possible'.... Bill
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Here are a few shots of mine, the only time mine rub is when I'm side ways and it hooks up :LOL: :3dSMILE:
Those pics are pretty much where I am looking to put mine.
Are you talking wheel clearance or tire clearance? Whoops never mind. Did not see the rest of the thread.... :o