Has anyone got any neat ideas for running boards? (32 Chevy roadster)
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Has anyone got any neat ideas for running boards? (32 Chevy roadster)
Make your own out of some 18ga and a couple of strategically located braces?????
I have an all steel 30 Model A roadster with a BBC with both running boards & fenders. My running boards were fabricated out of 14 gauge steel, professionally bent, and oh so strong. I have 2 extra heavy duty braces running length wise and the braces connected to the frame are really strong. I weigh 250 lbs. and when I step on my running boards they do not even bend a little bit. Unlike people who have fiberglass running boards that have to worry about someone stepping on them I have nothing to worry about and mine are so user friendly!!! :DQuote:
Originally Posted by tetzlaff
I used Red Oak on my 32, & 38, coupes ,& my 51 GMC pick up. It holds up real well as long as you put a good finish on it. OH yea don't let 4 year olds stand on them with sand in there shoes.:CRY:
Just for the heck of it I tried a quick on-line search. I have to say that I do feel for you Chebbie guys as most restoration suppliers seem to think that they didn't even exist before 1955 !!!!! I can buy a '30's Ford running board from numerous outlets like MAC's, LeBarron Bonney, Obsolete Ford, Dick Spadaro, Wescott's - and in OEM steel with bonded rubber, smoothie steel and 'glass.
Dave S and StylingZ have the best idea - find a sheet metal fab shop and have them make 'em up out of 16 or 14ga cold roll. I had some special doubled 16ga floorboards bent up for my '31 Ford and they were cheap, though the price of steel has gone up a lot in the couple of years since they were done.
Originally Posted by Bob Parmenter
That one must have been buried, but Uncle Bob can still find the goodies:LOL: :LOL: - I went thru 5-6 pages in Google ( metal shop fabs will most likely still be cheaper tho:eek: )
I have a great idea. Whether you find some, buy some, or make them yourself---cover them with rubber. If you paint them, they look beautifull, and you will spend the rest of your life yelling a kids to "Get the H#$!! off the running boards!!!"
Here is a picture of chromed or diamond plated boards which look great on a red '29. There is a problem with weak fiberglass boards. In my case I wanted to keep the weight down so I put a strip of 1/4" aluminum plate 4" wide under the 'glass boards and then added aluminum diamond plate on top. You could buy Model A braces and modify them, they are not expensive. I ended up with 'glass with 1/4" aluminum plate underneath and diamond plate on the top. It looks a little bit vulgar but the diamond plate bumps will hopefully solve the scratch problem for some time. If anybody out there thinks it actually looks good let me know but I am dubious myself and think most of you are just being polite. I am not sure about the metal on the nice '29, mine is aluminum diamond plate; if/when I get tired of that look I may have them covered with truck bed compound (black) but I have more important things to do on the car now and will leave the "false flash" there for now. I am trying to remember the running boards on a '35 Chevie coupe my family had back in the 1940s and I seem to recall a steel board with a checker pattern but I am not sure.
Don Shillady
Retired Scientist/teen rodder
Go pick up the new Street Rod Builder on stands now. Pretty good step-by-step fab of running boards.
Charlie: I'd like to see pictures, if at all possible..............t
the filling station has steal or fiberglass running boards and aprons. jonathan