Redneck '32 3 window/ Pete & Jakes chassis
....Hi Guys & Gals,
My name is Bill and I'm new to this site. I just ran across it {the web site} the other day & its way COOL!!! Anyway, last July I started what hopefully will turn out to be a life long dream fullfilled. I send Wayne over at Redneck Street Rods a deposit for a '32 3 window coupe with a Pete & Jakes chassis. I'M EXCITED!!! Sort of like {as I just read in a previous post} A KID WAITING FOR CHRISTMAS!!! Anyway, I love this site and I'll keep everyone updated. And I'm looking forward to getting a lot of questions answered cuz once I take delivery I've got a lot of work to do..... Bill.....
ps, I'll do a search, but I'm still not totally sure what amount to chop the top. I think I'll go with 3" in the front & 2 1/2" in the rear {Redneck chops your top to whatever spec's you want}. At the L.A Roadster Show I looked at Westcotts Body and didn't think it was enough {2 1/2" front & 2" rear}. I then saw an Outlaw Performance Body and thought it was too much {3 1/2 front & 3 1/2" rear}. I looked at I believe it was Baer that was 2 1/2" front & 2 1/2" rear}. I liked that look. I've read/heard that its better to go not enought than too much. Oh, by the way, I'm 6 foot even and have been told that a 3" front and 2 1/2" rear isn't too much, plus Redneck doesn't put the shelf behind the seat so you have more leg room.... ;)