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DAMN!!! :eek: good save i bet he had to go uhhh clean up after that one lol
what track was that at ? best save i have ever seen
Heck of a save!! For a minute there I thought he lost it!!!!
Good Grief, What a ride. Man, I agree with Blown502Monte, he had to stop and clean him self after that one. Nice save though.
kennyd i have no clue what track thats at just went looking for drag videos and i found that and thought CHR would love to see it
oh he saved and he lost it may have not hit guard rail but he sure
lost his britches
Your not kidding, I almost lost mine just watching it!! Thats some power!!!
I just want to see the look on his face when he stepped out of that car. Do ya think he foot the bill for wheelie bars after that ! ! DH
cool video / excellent save /
what ever track they were at , there won't be any complaining about hooking up. The cutlass was airborne off the line as well.
I watched that a bunch of times. That guy is a hell of a driver. I'm sure that there was some luck, but I can't believe a person can think that fast. Only video that could complement it would be one on the inside of drivers compartment to see what he was doing.
hows about the look on his face:eek:
Stupid computer... I can't see the vid. I will try going to my office and check it out there. From the descriptions this one sounds interesting.
fmx quick time picks this vid up on my pc
Thanks 383 Chev, I will check it out tonight....
it's on my hard drive here at work. I have a few more but I have no clue how to post them on here and I don't remember where they came from. Just kind of collected them over the years.........