Hey, I have an idea. How about getting this truck to the strip and actually seeing what it does and then reporting back??:3dSMILE: :3dSMILE:
It will be interesting to see how close any of us were. I'm still betting it just cracks into the 12's. That isn't a slam, it is just that I know how hard it is to get a truck to run quicker than that, regardless of HP.
Everybody thinks that thing will be a brick in the wind . i,ll bet it,ll post some potent 1/8 mile times though. And its way cooler than a camaro.Good luck with her and hope she runs like an arrow for you.
maybe it was spinning on the dyno too. but who cares what the dyno says its in the 9's , wow. fast ride!
thanks for all the help guys and I didnt mean to get everyone up in arms over the dyno thing my motor just came off the dyno this week and the numbers were
618 hp @6200 and 643 tq @4100 and the dyno guy said I should knock off about 15 to 20 percent for rwhp. so as soon as I can get this thing assembled and street worthy the first place its going is the chassis dyno then to epping and I'll be sure to put the slips up thanks again guys Jim