You can tell when the alcohol is shut off and the nitro methane is turned on.Also that cloud thats coming out of the exhuast when they hit it is raw fuel.Man I love this stuff!!!
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You can tell when the alcohol is shut off and the nitro methane is turned on.Also that cloud thats coming out of the exhuast when they hit it is raw fuel.Man I love this stuff!!!
There are no words to describe the feel of TOP FUEL!
Ahhhh yes....I love it....I've always thought it was kind of cool how the motor quiets down right before the big BURP!!
Raw fuel:DQuote:
Originally Posted by Firechicken
the way i inderstand it is, they are started with straight pump gas squirted into the injector, because the motor will not start on the nitro and methanol mixture. the burn rate of the race fuel is to slow to fire the motor. when the motor bellows out the plume is when it is then running on the nitro meth mix. and with one fuel pump only, when the cars are pre staged and the car idols down and gets kinda quieter they are kicking on the 2nd fuel pump for the 15 gallon pass. and when they run at night and you see the little embers coming from the pipes at half track and beyond, it is the tips of the plugs melting off, either way its insane the power they get these days!
Not pump gas ,its alcohol:D :D :D Maybe its pump gas squirted into the injector for the initial start up .Then its ran on alcohol until the engine comes to temp. ,during this time its sounds like its reving faster.When the alcohol is shut off and the nitro introduced thats when it gets chopy and sounds like a freakin monster,lol.Quote:
Originally Posted by mooneye777
cruz pedregon told me in seattle that its regular 87-92 pump gas just to get it fired then they turnt he pumps on.
Ok :) :3dSMILE::whacked:Quote:
Originally Posted by gassersrule_196
well all teams are differnt i am just bored so i thought id ramble on.
I have heard that as well.Quote:
Originally Posted by mooneye777
It's also kind of funny to see people walk up in the pits for the first time and not realize that when the nitro-meth starts flowing, it will burn their eyes and nose. I've seen people get right up there and then suddenly turn and hurry away from the ropes completely shocked....:LOL:
Everybody's gotta learn I guess. :)
Went to the 2006 U.S Nats and had forgotten how awesome that stuff was. There was a crowd around Force's car so me and my son-in-law went to check it out. No sooner that we got there, two more fired up; John's Mustang, the TF next to him, and FC across the aisle. Surrounded by three Nitro cars at the same time! That stuff will absolutely light you up! Last time I had been around nitro was mid-70s early-80s at Ohio Valley Raceway.
Now being on the line when 2 fuel cars take off,pure hell,but oh so good:D
You think its rough just being around them while they're idling? How do you think the driver feels? lol
Funny Cars .. Rules me ......... of my old toys
:confused: :confused: :D Never mind now I get it ,the pic just popped up.Quote:
Originally Posted by nitrofc
First exposure to nitro was in 1959[?] up at Montgomery NY drag strip......The man was Don Garlits putting on a show. I believe he set a new ET record on that day in July of 9.73! Camero's do that now a days.......I can recall the tires smoking and the sweet smell of burning fuel as he went by!
I sure do miss the old timers and the things they did for the love of the sport!
It to a big pair of balls to squeeze into the cockpit, sit your butt on a 9 inch and put your feet around the bellhousing of over the limit screaming V-8! Grease, oil fuel and fire possibly flying back into your face! True pioneers.......
But that's just my opinion........
Yup, pioneers for sure!!! and racing wouldn't be what it is today without them. As a sidenote, Garlits still walks with a limp and Jimmy Nix......well let's just say Jimmy didn't have any more kids after the driveline exploded in his slingshot!!! The best cars of the day IMO were the AFX cars and the Altereds, guardrail to guardrail excitement!!!!!Quote:
Originally Posted by Kolie
We always started our alky-burning super comp altered with pump gas. Wouldn't start worth crap on methanol. Squirt bottle right into the injectors.
Never ran nitro, but I've been around it a lot. Cars on fuel have that "crackle" that doesn't come from anything else.
Being strapped in the seat of a short wheelbase altered the first time, sitting over the driveline and right behind the motor is a sho-nuff eye-opener. Pure methanol blowing back in your face is no picnic either . . . but when you hit the "Go Pedal" its worth it.
We ran alcohol in our Super Comp dragster but I don't remember any trouble getting it started. :confused:
You are absolutely right about the wild ride of a short wheel base altered. I ran one in the early 80's and it was all you could do to keep it between the lines and the wall. We switched to 125" and that made all the difference in the world. When we went to a 230" dragster it just wasn't any fun.
Back in the 80's I did the clutches and rearend maintanence on a top alchohol dragster.
The company I work for sponsored a Top Fuel car for the last 5 years, the driver was Clay Millican. Well after winning his 2nd IHRA Championship. THe Team brought the T/F dragster to our home office and fired it up for the CEO. Well, it was raining that day and they pulled the car into a building so they could make the presentation of the trophy to our CEO.
Well, I was standing there and was watching them spin up the motor befor eturning on the ignition. All of the people around me were edging in closer to see what was going on. The 6000 hp motor fired up and they about jumped out of their skins. I just stood there smiling thinking that you aint seen nothing yet.
Then, they turned on the 2nd pump and switch to Nitro, the old feelings started to come back. The eyes burned, ears rang, chest pounding. I looked around because I knew that a huge Burp was coming. Just as they burped the motor, people were starting to run away as they couldn't handle the fumes and the noise. I just stood there and smiled.
It got this old tired heart a pumping and I had a smile on my face for the rest of the day.
Well, thats about enough of my rambling for now.
Standing between two fuel funnys at launch.....Yowza.....
Richard, the only thing that I can think of that would be better then that is BEING IN THE SEAT of a fuel funny getting ready to launch!!!!!!!!:whacked: :whacked: :LOL: :LOL:Quote:
Originally Posted by techinspector1
Like I heard one guy say, "I wouldn't get out of the electric chair to drive that thing" :LOL:Quote:
Originally Posted by Dave Severson
Originally Posted by techinspector1
Now thats funny!
Good one Richard!!! But I'd still love to be in the seat!!!! Heck, I drove 85" wheelbase sprinters and lived through it with....well, some damage!!! I should be able to get at least half track before the wall slappers commence!!!!!:LOL: :LOL: :LOL:Quote:
Originally Posted by techinspector1