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I bet he had some messy shorts:eek:
I expect the tech inspector is now jobless.:eek:
most people would have let off after crossing the center line, i bet that was a long ride home!
I can't believe he was able to stand up afterwards. Man, I'll bet his next car has more safety built into it also.**) **) :)
Looks to me like it needed shocks, better seat mounting, safety harness, and a more experienced driver!!!
I suspect that some bird dropping welds, a brain dead driver, and a 50+ year old clapped out suspension were major contributors. He was probably very happy after he saw the video that he wasn't still strapped in the seat when it went to the height of the power poles.:HMMM:
Dave, I am thinking you might even be giving the guy too much credit. That bucket seat flying seems like he fastened with bolts through the floor and nothing but a flat washer on the back side holding it in. And I could see no kind of harness or even a seat belt in evidence. MoparJack is right. There's a tech inspector out there looking for a new job.:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Denny, you and I were typing at the same time.:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: I like that ejector seat quip, that's about how it looks.:LOL: :LOL: :DQuote:
Originally Posted by DennyW
I always try to give someone the benefit of doubt - unless I already know he is at or beyond his 'Peter Principle'.Quote:
Originally Posted by Oldf100fordman
Nah, guys - the tech inspector was promoted to a better job - I had a guy working for me that about destroyed a gas turbine generator and eletrocuted a guy in Venezuela and he ended up as a very high level regional engineering manager first in London then in Italy:eek: .
" Peter- Principle" WOW I haven't heard that since I worked for a big metal manufacturing company. We had a bunch of those guys and all were at or near the top.
The 'Peter Principle' was a gift from the frozen Canadian side, Vancouver, BC's Dr Laurence J. Peter about 1970 or thereaboutsQuote:
Originally Posted by cffisher
Charlie - I guess you didn't work for GE - many were well past.
Arent we always a "witness to our own nightmare"??????
Yup, and wasn't there a thread here awhile back saying how NHRA's safety rules do nothing but cost money??? Obviously not a well run track!!!! More concerned about the car count then the safety of the participants... If the track did have a sanction, I hope it's been pulled.... All the safety rules and build specs are there for a reason, and it's not just to support the sponsors that support REAL drag racing on a REAL track....
Jeez - looks like just a cheap set of autozone shocks could have prevented that.