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Thread: Tech inspections

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  1. #1
    chevydrivin is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Car Year, Make, Model: 55 belair: 68 Camaro: 69 F100: 51 M37's

    Tech inspections


    So whats your thoughts on tech inspections at the drag strip? Do most strips inspect the cars? Are they strict if they do inspect?
    Just wondering, the tracks around here don't care, they leave it up top the person racing. You can pretty much race what you bring. I don't have seatbelts (yet) in my 55 (only raced 3 times) and didn't wear a helment the first two times only running 95 mph or so. I see 9 second cars with no roll cage..........9 second cars with drum brakes.............I mean they don't even look at your tires to see if they are bad. Should it be up to the people or should track officials look out for peoples safety.
    I am not talking about the experienced racers, really talking about the people who are not aware or don't care what kind of condition their cars is in.
    It would actualy be helpful for the experienced racers..........it would keep the inexperienced racers from getting beside you in a race and..................
    Last edited by chevydrivin; 02-21-2007 at 04:18 PM.

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