This spring I will be insttaling my Montes roll cage,It will be a Chassis Engineering 12 point cage.My doors are OEM stock with factory metal impact braces still insttaled.Iv gotten mixed opinions on the use of a swing out door bar.This car will see the street and like most of you out there Im sure, I to have a bad back witch makes gitting shoe horned in and out of a car a pain.This car should start out around the 10.00-10.99 area so far every thing installed is up to (SFI)specs,The swing out bar is permitted on OEM full- bodiedcars 7.50et and slower.I hate to make changes later on down the road so when I build, I build like it's going to go in the 9's because you always go faster,That way you don't have to make so many magor changes.I would like to hear about some of your experiences past or present on this matter.