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Thread: different ET race format

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  1. #1
    canadianal's Avatar
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    different ET race format


    Came across this race in Calgary Alberta
    anyone else ever competed in this THINK format before

  2. #2
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Yup, lot's of fun!!!! Nobody's dial in is posted on their car---A great place for consistent cars and driver's who don't pay any attention to what's in the other lane or what his dial in is....
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  3. #3
    mooneye777's Avatar
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    they have a similar thing here except. they turn of the timing system and win lights, have 3 hours of track time as many runs as you want, then you are allowed to place personal and private wagers against other cars, bikes, snowmobiles, you want to race. i had a stop watch going on a snowmobile that ran right at 10 flat. everyone was laughing when he staged, then he ran and you could have heard a pin drop.

    Live everyday like it were your last, someday it will be.

  4. #4
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    We used to have grudge races at the track in Fargo, ND. Eliminations were on Sunday, but Saturday night was grudge racing, time trials, and a Gambler's race. The Gambler's race was a blast, just a bracket race that everybody paid $50.00 to enter, 1st place paid 80% of the pot and runner up got the rest!!!! Ran in the final round up there one night with a 7.90 dial in on the old Super Comp car against a Dodge Dart with a 17.00 dial in!!!! Didn't think my tree was ever gonna start!!!!! The poor kid in the Dart broke out, and worse yet got the poo poo scared out of him when this big thuderin' dragster comes hauling butt by him!!!!
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
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  5. #5
    Mike in Motown is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Would someone please explain the concept?

  6. #6
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    The tower has your dial in and sets the lights accordingly. No one puts their dial in on the car. Not really a big deal anyway. When bracket racing the only one you are racing is yourself.
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
    Carroll Shelby

    Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!

  7. #7
    canadianal's Avatar
    canadianal is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Just for the info, we just had out drag race meet today, our format is as follows, race cars vs race cars, bikes and snowmobiles vs the same and street cars vs steet cars slicks or not . this gave the race cars enought time to cool down before their next round .
    these cars would then race down to a final 3 and then to a final 2 which would win the pot in a big king of the hill.
    this keeps the big high mph cars againt the same and so on through the race till the end.
    we had a racers meeting before the run and had a outspoken idiot with a race car grump and complain that its not fair and that we should compete against everyone cause only one race car would be able to make it to the final.
    This guy whined and complained that suddenly our club president looked at him and said fine if thats what "you" want well do it that way and then asked if there were any further complaints. we members kept out mouths shut,

    For the record not one race car made it to the final 2 and one had to race a 18 second 4 speed Granada and lost.
    The braindead guy that wanted to race this way then bitched and complained not enought time to cool down cause he was called in his order and went out in the second round.
    Sometimes you reap what you sow and you should keep your mouth shut.
    a 13.5 second chev pickup took the final and a 69 11.5 second camaro took second
    Last edited by canadianal; 07-21-2007 at 10:07 PM.

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