Originally Posted by BigTruckDriver
IMO John IS,WAS,AND WILL ALWAYS BE a excellent business man. Hes better at that then racing! He definitely know how to work the crowd. by getting his daughters in and in the light brings in tons more sponsors and MONEY. Win over fans and then comes the sponsors with your tactics. Unlimited sponsors means unlimited cash flow. Who could compete in drag racing????? Off course he wins time after time who wouldnt with a endless resources of money and cars. Money keeps you on top. Blow up a 250,000 dollar engine and not even think twice about moving on to the next round because you got 10 more in your 5 trailers and 2,3 cars ready to go. He cant be stopped hes a good show. I think there should be some kind of cap on teams but if theres to much money coming in ,WHY? level the playing field and things like this wont even come up. WHAT HAPPENED TO GOOD OL F-ING DRAG RACING!:LOL: