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Thread: 429 help

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    Todd 429's Avatar
    Todd 429 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Smile 429 help


    Hi All,
    I picked up a 429 out of a '71 Lincoln. I want to tear it down and rebuild. Not a race car just a nice stout street car. Up to 500 hp at fly. I was wondering the best and prolly cheapest way to achieve this goal. Just prep the block and have the rods and crank checked and freshened up? New intake, cam, carb, Freshen up heads, etc. I really love the smaller cars from the sixties. Will the 429 fit into a falcon without tubing or any major mods? If not how about a mid sized Galaxie? I have a C-6 trans for it too. What's the best car for the 429/C-6 combo? I'm looking to go with the smallest car without having to do serious chassis work. A wagon would be kool. I know I threw a lot out there. Any suggestions about proven setups for a stout street car?
    I built a SBC 350 right out of HS with some success and now at 25 built a 650hp EFI 331. I now wanna try my luck with the BBF. Plus I got the engine and trans for 50 BUX!
    Last edited by Todd 429; 12-04-2004 at 09:07 AM.

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